Episode Twenty Three

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"Em? I thought we were doing FaceTime tonight

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"Em? I thought we were doing FaceTime tonight. Crap, hold on," Josh said as his little brother whined in the background. "Not now, Toby. I'll come play with you in a little bit, okay?"

My stomach twisted at what I was about to do. Damn it. Why was I doing this? Because fifteen minutes ago, I wanted to make out with Justin in my kitchen, that's why!

Ugh. I just needed to say it. Just say the fucking words, Ember!

A door closed on Josh's side. "Okay, he's gone. You wanna FaceTime? I miss seeing you."

"Have you talked to Katie?" Damn it! That wasn't what I meant to say, but shit, I needed to know why my so-called best friend was ignoring my texts.

"Yeah, she just left a few minutes ago," Josh said.

"What?" My face scrunched in shock as my voice escalated. "Why was she there?"

"She came over to get help with her history project, and then we ended up watching a movie." Josh was acting like Katie always went to his house, which never happened unless she was meeting me.

I started pacing in my tiny room. "Well, that's really interesting because I've been texting her for days, and she's been ignoring me."

"Really? It's probably because she's been pretty depressed. She misses you like I do. She said hanging out with me makes her feel like you never left." Josh said.

"Um... no. That's not what's happening here, Josh!" I said. "If she missed me, she would return my texts. You know what's going on here. Open your eyes!"

Someone knocked on my door, and I whipped it open, revealing Lucy. I waved her in.

"Is everything okay?" Lucy whispered, closing the door.

I shook my head and threw my back against the wall. I couldn't believe Katie was doing this to me.

"I promise we've only been hanging out as friends. Nothing more." Josh's voice was calm.

"Break up with him." Lucy mouthed.

I put one finger up, angrily. "Where's Katie's boyfriend, Josh?"

"He broke up with her the night before you left. She's going through a lot." Josh sounded genuinely sad for her. Katie never mentioned one word about her boyfriend breaking up with her, but that would require her to text me back, which she still hadn't done.

Releasing an angry huff, I punched my pillow. "Katie changes boyfriends like she changes shoes, Joshy. Come on! We've joked about this a million times."

"Don't you think I know that? I'm not stupid." Josh's voice was full of irritation. "Look, I'm sorry. It's just hard with you not here, and she's been keeping me company."

"I can't listen to this. I'll call you back." I hung up on him and threw the phone on my bed before I crumbled to my knees. I covered my face, groaning angrily into my palms.

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