🔪["have mercy!"]🔫

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{Poland × Nazi}


Poland P.O.V.

I was walking in a park near my home, like everyday, I didn't dare strand to far from it since there were countries after me, so I'm always so paranoid. Indonesia, my older brother, insist that he comes with me but I always say no, I'm sure I can handle myself, or at least run fast enough. Today though, something caught my eye in the forest that surrounded the little park, it was red from what I could tell. I walked over only to realize it was blood, not much, but enough to cause worry to grow. While looking at the blood I noticed another puddle, then another, and another. There was a trail of blood, I hesitated, but followed it. I hear mumbled shouting and it gets louder as I get closer. I peak through a bush and see no one other than Nazi and USSR. USSR looked like he had a knife, it had blood on it. I looked over to Nazi and saw he had been stabbed in the shoulder.
"Just..please.....have mercy! I swear I'll never betray you again! J-Just please!"
USSR through down the knife and pulled out a gun aiming it at Nazi's head. I began to cry, I knew Nazi had done so many horrible things..and I was dumb enough to fall for him. I can't let him die! I jump out the push and tackle USSR, my tiny body surprisingly knocked him over making him drop the gun. I pick it up and aim it at USSR.
"J-Just leave him alone!"
I looked at Nazi who was in tears, he got up and ran over to me, standing behind me while whispering in German.
I would smile, feeling a small blush form on my face. I noticed USSR running towards me. . . everything was blurry, all I could see was USSR's limp body fall over and the gun in my hand drop. I was embraced by Nazi.
"P-Polan! Are you ok?!"
"I-I'm fine Nazi.."
I heard him sigh in relief, my vision was back to normal by now and I was hugging Nazi so tight.
"N-Nazi..your shoulder"
"Ah, yes, it's fine Polan, let's get you home ok?"
I would nod and we both made our way to my house, leaving USSR's body to rot. Once we got to the house Indonesia was on the front porch, he looked over and glared at Nazi.
"What is HE doing here?!"
"Calm down Indo...he needs help"
"And why would we hell him?!"
"Indo please!"
Indonesia was full of rage and disappointment, I could see it on his face. He made a loud 'tsk' sound and walked inside. I gripped Nazi's hand and pulled him inside sitting him on the couch.
"Wait here while I go get the medkit!"

Nazi P.O.V.

I couldn't believe Polan was helping me, after everything I did to him, I mean hell! He killed USSR for me! I would slightly sigh and rest my back on the couch, noticing someone sit across from me on another couch. I looked at them noticing it was Indonesia, but, he had a hand gun.
"You try anything and I won't hesitate to blow your head off!"
I was going to say something but was stopped by someone else shouting.
Both me and Indonesia jumped when we saw a furious Polan force the gun out Indonesia's hand.
Indonesia simply slapped Polan and went upstairs, but he said something before he reached the top.
"Fine then! But don't come crying to me next time you need help!"
Polan would only gently put his hand on his cheek and flinch olat the sting.
"Polan are you ok?!"
He would nod with that same gentle smile from earlier.
"Don't worry about me, I'm fine, but you're not so let's deal with that gash"
He would walk over and sit next to me and began to disinfect my wound, stitch it, then bandage it. It was all done pretty quickly.
"Thank you Polan"
"No problem!"
I noticed a light blush grow on his face.
"Polan, are you sick?"
"Your face, it's red"
Polan would quickly cover his face and chuckle embarrassed.
"Eheh! W-Well you see...I uhm.."
"I like you! Like...likelike you.."
I was stuck in place, Polan? Out of all people? Loved me? Well I couldn't reject him, I loved him too.
"So do I Polan!"
"Yes! That's..why I purposely let you escape from me..and...helped you escape from USSR.."
I could tell he was shocked from my response. I would chuckle and pull him into a hug. He was crying? Oh god!
"W-Why are you crying?! Did I do something wrong?"
"N-No! I'm just so happy! Thank you!"
I would chuckle again and give him butterfly kisses everywhere.
"Well, I'm glad I could help"
We both went up to Polan's room and watched some movies while cuddled up on his bed. I love this country.
"I love you Polan"
"I love you too"

Oh booooi, another one- no not the meme- another oneshot down! I love doing these- so- please request some- I'm running out of good ideas- I mean only if you want to!

900 words total

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