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3rd Person P.O.V.

Another meeting. All the countries gathered in one place to talk about world problems or just argue back and forth at one another. Like right now, The Soviet Union was arguing with The United States of America. Everyone sat back and listened since this was basically an everyday thing now. While shouting at one another Soviet decided to throw insults into the mix. "I'M TIRED OF ARGUING WITH A SLUT AS YOURSELF!" America had froze as his eyes filled with tears. Everyone knew why Soviet used such a word, but no one agreed to the title on the American. The American boy sold his body to help his family with money, trying to do his part since they were struggling at the time. Germany ended up chasing the crying American out the room. "Amerika! Wait!" Everyone watched the two leave for a second then turned to Soviet who kept a stern expression on his face while on the inside guilt tore him apart. Israel was the one to speak up. "Why did you call him that?!" "Oh don't give me that! We all know it's true!" That made Philippines snap. "SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND GO APOLOGISE!" She slammed her hand on the table while pointing at the door Germany walked back through since he'd lost sight of America. "Apologise?! Are you crazy?!" "GO!" Everyone nodded in agreement as Soviet groaned. He walked out the room and down the hall where America had gone. "Americaaaaa! Where'd you go?-" He sighed and was close to giving up before hearing light sobbing outside. He rushed to the back door of the building and peeked outside seeing America leaned up against the wall hugging his knees while sobbing into them. Soviet couldn't help but feel awful for what he'd done. He went and crouched down infront of America. "Amerika?-" America jumped slightly and looked at Soviet. He wiped his face and growled under his breath. "What do YOU want?! To insult me again?! Call me a slut? Whore!?" He looked at Soviet with anger and sorrow in his puffy, red eyes. "What? No!" Soviet sighed and pulled America into a hug. He expected him to push away and punch him to the ground. However, instead of that he hugged back tightly and sobbed into Soviet's chest. Soviet rubbed circles on America's back and shushed him. He lifted America's face and made him look him in the eyes. "I'm sorry for calling you such a cruel name, I was blinded by my anger. Please forgive me Amerika.." America wiped his face again and nodded while clearing his throat. "I forgive you.." He smiled up at Soviet. They both hugged each other for awhile longer before getting up and going back to the meeting room where Canada tackled America into a hug. America wheezed and struggled to breathe. "N-Nada! Can't- breathe!" Canada let go of America and gave a worried expression. "I'm sorry! I didn't hurt you did I?!" "No no!- just- too tight." They both laughed slightly and went to their chairs and sat down. Soviet sat in his seat and pretty much kept quiet the rest of the meeting. . . Around 3 hours past and the meeting finally ended. America and Soviet were the last to leave. They both decided to walk eachother home since they didn't live to war away from the office building. "Hey uhm..Amerika." "Hm?" "Would you- like to come to my home? So I could make it up to you." America smiled and nodded. They both walked to Soviet's home and walked inside. All of Soviet's kids were still at school so they had the house to themselves. Soviet sat on the couch and America sat next to him. "So, what should we do?" "Get to know each other better?" America laughed. "Like a date?" "It could be." Soviet joked and laughed as America's face lit up in a pink hue. "S-Shut up!" America playfully punched Soviet's shoulder as he laughed 2× harder. They did end up getting to know each other and found out they had alot in common other than their government. They both snuggled up together as the evening arrived and all the kids got home. None of them dared to wake their father but were very curious on why America was there. They were all told he was a horrible person who they should never trust. Russia ended up pushing all his siblings upstairs as he followed. They all went into their rooms and did school work or just slept. Soviet ended up waking around 11 at night. He loojed at the small American laying against him while sitting in his lap. His face turned a darker red as he soon found out America's knee was propped right on his crotch. He tried to get up which only added force to his now hard member. He grunted quietly while looking the still sleeping American. He soon got alil lusty and tested his luck by licking and sucking on America's neck which caused small moans and whimpers to leave the sleeping boys mouth. This only turned Soviet on more and he let his hands roam the smaller males body. Up his short and down his pants. America soon woke up to find Soviet pumping his hand on his dick. "S-Soviet!-" Soviet quickly covered America's mouth and layed up down on his back while he toward over him. "Shhh~ there are children upstairs." America nodded and looked up at Soviet with a blushy face. "Stop teasing~" Soviet laughed at this. He pulled down his own and America's pants then boxers. Soviet whistled at the sight which made America close his legs. "Stop starring!" Soviet shived 3 fingers into America's mouth to cover them in saliva. He smirked whenever America began to suck his fingers. He pulled his fingers out America's mouth which made him whimper solftly. His whimpers soon turned into a yelp as Soviet forced all 3 fingers into his ass at once. "C-carful!~" His pain filled whines soon soon into pleasurable moans as Soviet scissored him. He pulled his fingers out and aimed his cock at America's entrance. "Ready?~" America bucked his hips and nodded. Soviet thrusted into America while covering his mouth to muffle his screams. "Shhh deary~ The pain will go away soon~" America nodded and waited afew minutes before shuffling signaling Soviet to continue. And he did roughly. He allowed America to bite his hand to muffle his screams and loud moans of pleasure. Soviet pounded into America until he hit his prostate. "aHH!~ yes! right there!!~" Soviet got frustrated whenever he couldn't find the spot again. Whenever he did though he abused it, hitting it over and over with loud grunts and soft moans. "S-SoVIET!!~" Soviet didn't bother muffling America, he wanted to hear him scream his name. Soviet felt his dick twitchand he burried his face into the crook of America's neck as he did was final thrust and came into the boy. America wailed in pleasure and came on his shirt. They both rode their orgasims together and Soviet pulled out America and stood up looking at his work. America was basically paralyzed and couldn't move. He didn't last long before passing out from being exhausted. Soviet smirked and cleaned up the mess. He dressed himself and America before laying down next him and pulling him onto his chest.

Mmm kinky- ahAh- gay

Word count: 1244

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