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(Insert song: Taeyeon - Blue)

The day went very dark for me. That morning, my mom found out I'm into guys all this time, after she picked up a phone from a fellow gay friend of mine. He asked if I wanted to join his town's first pride parade. I have a similar voice to my mom, even though I'm a male, so she pretended to be me, and asked more about my crushes and stuffs. I had always lied to her about every suspicion she had, but this time it was too messy to get out from. Right when I woke up and went to get breakfast, she asked me right away about it. I went speechless for ten seconds, which pretty much confirmed it. Feeling very awkward, I immediately checked my phone and pretended to panic about getting late to school, ignoring her follow up questions. My heart was thumping really fast and I sprang toward the streets just to not give her any chance to not talk about it. While running, I bumped to a hooded boy on the streets. I apologized to him several times without seeing his face since my eyes basically went red from crying.

"I'm fine, but... are you okay?" he asked looking concerned.

Embarassed about the whole thing, I ignored him without realizing some of the school books I hugged fell there. About two to three blocks of walking later, I calmed myself, despite of course still feeling upset. I played future possible scenarios in my head when I got home later. Every one of them didn't sound good at all. I was so out of it, I didn't even realize I arrived at school already. I went to my lockers, put in some books that wasn't used during first period. That was when I finally realized some of my books were missing. And one of them was my homework papers folder for the first period. I panicked but I didn't have any choice but to just give up. I went to class and hoped for the less worst thing to happen. But of course, the worst thing happened. As the teacher asked for everyone homework, she realized I was the only one who didn't pass his homework.

"It is very unusual for you to not do your homework Mr. Ueno," she called me out.

"I did it, but I lost it during my walk to school Miss Blake," I tried to explain, "I'm sorry."

"Excuses will only get you far, but not enough Mr. Ueno."

"Well I'm not lying, Miss Blake. That's just what happened!"

"Whatever it is, I'll give you an additional homework to be passed tomorrow."

"Well thank you Miss Blake," I replied sarcastically with a quite raised voice. "I never knew you could be such a pain in the ass," I thought to myself.

My classmates all looked at me shocked and the classroom when silent. I didn't pick it up right away, but when I did, I realized my thoughts just slipped into my mouth. Miss Blake's eyes were opened really wide, never expecting to hear it from one of her favorite students.

"I don't know what happened to you, that made you this impolite, Mr. Ueno," her voice seem shaking," But for now I'm giving you detention for the rest of today's periods."

I didn't know what to reply to her from the guilt. I packed my things as quickly as I could, and grabbed the slip.

"I'm sorry," I told her quietly while putting my head down, not wanting to see her face head on.

I went to the detention room for the first time in all my sophomore years, with every worst feeling in the world. Out of all days, everything just had to happen today. It just had to be the worst day of my life. Right as I was thinking that, I saw the most dislikable guys at my school chatting to themselves in the room. I pretended not to notice them and just sat on the seat as far away from them. They are people who teased me the most for every little side of me, which screams like a tasty meat for their hunger of putting people down.

"Yo, the lanky gay Asian is here," Joe, the gang leader, shouted at me, "Even a person as lame as you could end up here, huh?"

I ignored him.

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