Break In.

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Glass litters the lawn. Dustbins knocked over. The door slightly ajar. George Memeulous slowly enters his shared apartment.
"Alex?" He called, almost gently, before getting a hold of him self and clearing his throat, deepening his voice. "Alex!"
No answer. No call back. George looked around again. Did Alex do this? He must have been drunk. That's even if he did cause this mess. "You're paying for the windows!" He shouted at the stairs. He'd have to clean up himself while Alex was gone. He went to fetch a dustpan and brush when another figure stepped into the apartment.
"George? What the hell have you done to this place?"
George ran back to the hallway, staring at the boy. "What have I done? You've only gone and broken the windows, trashed the house!"
"No way - y-you think I did this?"
"Well I haven't, only just got back."
"What now?"
"We've been robbed."
"We... What?"
"I mean why else would the window be smashed. Crap... Have you checked upstairs?"
"Uh, no? I've been too busy trying to clean up what I thought was your mess."
Alex made a small noise before dashing up the stairs, where George hears him frantically pacing around. "Well?" He called up. "Anything gone?"
He heard Alex make a small choking noise before joining him on the landing. "M-my Internet Sensation merch! Gone!"
George tried to stifle a laugh, to no avail.
"It's not funny George! I spent loads of money on those goddamn hoodies!" George gently patted Alex's back, before waltzing into his own room.
"Don't worry Alex, you can have some of my merch." He said, shoving an 'alpha male' hoodie into the boy's face.
"Gee, thanks." He was being sarcastic, but slipped it on anyway. George smiled knowingly at him.
"Seems like nothing else was taken."
"Glad. Who the hell wants 50 hoodies anyway?"
"Yeah. I wear the same stuff for like two weeks and it's fine!"
Alex rolled his eyes at him before grinning playfully. He poked the other boys ribs. "You're it!"
"Hey!" George chased Alex down the stairs, following him about the house before jabbing his hip. "It!"
Alex turned briefly, before breaking into a sprint to chase George across the kitchen. Every time he neared closer, George would slip away from him. George turned a sharp right into their living room where Alex pushed him down onto the sofa from behind. "It!"
George leapt back up immediately, but Alex was alright heading out into the garden. He pushed through the door, slamming it closed against George. George kicked open the door to see Alex climb over the fence onto the wet grass from last night's rain. George followed him, slipping on the grass until he managed to tap Alex before he tumbled backwards onto the ground. "It!"
Alex bent over him, poking him hard in the face "It!" He exclaimed as he broke into a run back into the house as George struggled to get up. Alex ran up through the house, into George's bedroom where he climbed into George's wardrobe. George, finally managing to get up, ran through the back door and up the stairs. He immediately went into Alex's room, spinning round before pushing open the door to his room. He looked confused for a moment, before going into the bathroom. Alex wasn't there either. He went back downstairs to see if he was in any of the rooms, but he couldn't see him. A sudden thought coming to his head, he sprinted back up to Alex's room, slamming open the wardrobe and checking under the bed. Shrugging, he went to his own room intent on doing the same. He kicked underneath his bed, his foot not coming into contact with anything, so he pulled open the wardrobe door.
"It!" He said, booping Alex's nose. "We done with this game then?"
"Yeah, alright." Alex said, leaving the room and turning to shut George's door behind him. "Oh." He began to tug George's hoodie over his head.
"You can keep it mate. Know you're a big fan of the George Memeulous channel. Even though you're not worthy of the alpha male title."
"I'm the beta?"
Alex rolled his eyes, staring at George for perhaps a moment too long before going back to his own bedroom. George's eyes followed him all the way, until he was out of view. George sunk unto his bed, sighing. As much as he didn't want to admit it - he had had fun. Fun! From simply just playing 'it' with his roommate. He shook his head before walking over to his desk, switching on the computer and loading up SEUM. His hands slid over the black keyboard and mouse, before returning to his pockets as George leant back on his chair. 'What is wrong with me?' he thought to himself, slightly confused. He began to play his game, the memory of Alex tagging him still in his head. "Get out of my head!" He shouted, before he realised that he was speaking. Alex walked through his door, looking over at his computer screen.
"Alrigh Tyler 1. What's all the shouting about?"
"I-" George paused and turned on his chair. He didnt know what he was doing. Alex smirked at him, waiting for an answer. "Go away Alex."
Alex looked taken aback for a second, but walked out all the same. George leant back and turned back to his computer, closing the game and starting to edit his videos. He sat there editing for a while, before Alex burst in again. "George. I'm ordering pizza. Want one?"
"Yeah. Uh just pepperoni."
"Right." He left again as George opened his mouth to speak. He closed it again, going back to his editing as Alex called up the pizza place, walking down the carpeted stairs a slumping down on the sofa. He began his order, switching on the TV and flicking through Netflix. He put the phone down on the wooden table, adjusting the pillows around him for his comfort while upstairs George closed down his computer and began to go down the stairs. As he came down, Alex rested his feet upon the table, edging to the side to make room for George. But he went into the kitchen, grabbing a can of coke. Alex waited, until George sat down next to him.
"How much do you reckon the window'll cost?"
"I dunno Alex. Couple hundred? We can split it."
"Well yeah course we'll split it."
"You're not going to report the theft?"
Alex turned and stared at George for a moment. "Why the hell didn't I think of that?" He mumbled, reaching for him phone before promptly putting it down again. "I'll do it after dinner." George reached for the remote, turning up the volume of Alex's show.George reached for his phone as it gently pinged. He clicked onto Facebook, only to see that James had messaged him. George flushed, attracting Alex's attention. "Loverboy again?"
George turned away, his face going full red. He read the text:

wanna go out for
dinner sometime?

George fumbled with his phone. Was this really happening? James? Asking him to dinner? must be some sort of joke. Bet Alex told him I liked him...
"Yeah George?"
George turned to his roommate, his face stern. "Did you..." He looked down, away from Alex "tell James?"
"No? Why?"
"Doesn't matter."
"Well it obviously do-"
"It. Doesn't. Matter. Ok?"
Alex shrugged before returning his attention to his show. George shuddered, before texting James back.

When's good? Can't do 2nite

They sat together in silence, George waiting for a reply, while Alex tried to keep his face emotionless. 'I know he likes James. He has for ages.' Alex thought to himself, but he still couldn't get that game out of his mind. The look of relief when George found him in the wardrobe, knowing he didn't have to search for any longer. The slight momentary feeling that just maybe George even missed him. But it went away in seconds. Or so Alex thought, but that image has stayed with him up into this moment. Alex gently shrugged his head, squinting his eyes shut and replaying that moment again in his head. No, he had to stop thinking like this. What if George was a mind reader? And then, Alex felt embarrassed even thinking about him. He sighed, getting up to grab a coke, not even noticing as George watched him leave, with a subtle longing look in his eyes George didn't even know was there. Because he couldn't be falling in love with this boy, could he?

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