Stephen Tries

820 27 1

TW// Sexual Assualt

George watched Alex slowly knawing on his own lip, a single smear of blood trickling down his lips.
"Alex? Alex! What's gotten into you?"
Alex continued to stare at the door. Why did he have to come now? He kept his eyes closed as the doorbell rang again.
"Alright that's it. I'm answering the door."
"George-" Alex reached out a hand, attempting to grab him, missing. George opened the door, his eyebrows furrowing.
"Hi Stephen..."
"Uh. Hey George... I came to see Alex."
George turned around, smirking at his roommate. "He's right through here." He said, as Alex shook his head violently.
"Alex can you show me that...shelf, then?"
"Shell-yeah course."
Stephen followed Alex closely up the stairs, George watching them warily before retreating to his own room. Something seemed off to him...but he ignored this feeling, turning on his computer again.
Alex led Stephen into his bedroom, Stephen suddenly grabbing his hand. "So that shelf, huh?" He said, raising his eyebrows seductively before sitting down on Alex's bed.
"Does Will know you're here?"
"Nah, he's visiting his mum right now." He smiled at Alex again. Alex sighed, taking off Stephen's shoes for him as he smiled graciously. Alex was defeated. He didn't know what else he could do, so he just went along with Stephen, unzipping his other shoe. All the while George stared at his computer screen, a longing look in his eyes. He was calling James on his phone. He knew they'd have to discuss what happened eventually, and now was as good as ever.
"Hello?" James' soft voice broke out from George's phone. "George."
"Can we talk?"
"Yeah, course. What's up? Oh. Oh. Sorry. I wasn't able to respond to your text because I've been busy but what times are good for you."
"You know. You said tonight wasn't good, but I'm available any time this week."
"You weren't kidding, were you George?"
"No I thought you were-"
"Why'd you think that? Ohhhh the video? I recorded that, like, a week ago? I only just found time to upload."
"Oh uh."
"Is tomorrow good."
"Y-yeah. Yes. Tomorrow would be - fine."
"Good. See ya."
George put his phone down on the desk, leaning back, an elated look on his face. He was going on a date with James! James Marriott! He grinned, pulling on his mask and stepping outside of his room, about to go down to the kitchen when he heard voices coming from Alex's room. Stephen's voice. He couldn't exactly make out was he was saying, but he knocked on the door after noticing Alex's silence. Stephen stopped talking.
"Can I come in?"
No one answered, so he gently propped open the door, looking down and stepping in. When he did look up, his mouth opened wide under his mask. He stared at Alex, kneeling down on the floor with a look of disgust and hopelessness, a shiny wet line from tears awfully visible on his cheek as Stephen shoved his genitals into Alex's face. Alex turned to George, more tears leaking from his large eyes. Stephen noticed him standing there, quickly raising his arms up in front of him in an innocent way.
"Some privacy would be appreciated, thanks."
"And it would be appreciated if you got your tinky winky away from him. And then get out of here, before we call Will, or even the police. I'm sure they'd love to hear about your obsession with touching younger boys." Stephen paused, before pulling away from Alex and zipping up his trousers, leaving in a hurry. Alex gasped for air, staring at his saviour as George pulled him up.
"George, it's not what it looks like-"
"It looks like my roommate getting assaulted while his assualter cheats on his square-faced boyfriend with a younger kid. What else could be happening Alex?"
"I t-thought you were going to accuse me of helping him cheat."
"Why. Why would I do that. You were obviously upset about what was going on."
Alex sighed. He realised then that their hands were still entwined, so he pulled them apart, sitting down on his bed. George followed suit, placing himself next to Alex.
"Anything from Mr M?"
"Yeah, actually. I called him, and well-"
"You called him? Idiot." He rolled his eyes as George continued.
"Well the message wasn't for his stupid video and we're going on a date tomorrow-"
"" Alex's face fell a little, but he quickly covered it up, waving a hand in front of his face and clearing his throat.
"Yeah. Awesome, right?"
"Yeah. A-wesome."
George stared at Alex, questioning. "Is something up?"
"No. Course not. Uh. Well have a good time with James tomorrow." He forced a smile onto his face, trying to look happy for him. What was up with him? Why did he care so much about George going on a date with James? It was just a date. He thought he'd be happy for George, but something felt different. Something that had been different since he got home. Maybe it was the stress of the break in? Stephen's intrusion must have contributed too...but he couldn't think of anything wrong.
The silence was deafening for George. He was happy, yes, so why wasn't he happy? He was going on a date with his long-time crush tomorrow! But he couldn't shake that feeling...the feeling that something was off. He looked at Alex, his head suddenly heavy. He slumped back a little, struggling to regain his stance. Something was up. He wasn't ill, he was sure of that. But what was wrong then? He caught Alex looking at him and sat up a little more, his head burning. Alex tilted his head slightly, as if he were experiencing the same thing...but he couldn't be, could he? No...that was ridiculous. But then Alex had seemed off when he told him about James. About the time George started to feel off. No, something was off. Especially if they could both feel it. Which George was sure they could. He stared at his own hand, a new feeling coming over him. Like the one that came when he helped Alex up. And their hands locked. And all of a sudden he found himself slowly reaching for Alex's hand again, returning it to his side quickly. But Alex had seen. And Alex was staring at George's hand too. Without warning, Alex took George's hand in his, slowly collapsing back. George placed his other hand on Alex's back, helping lift him back up. Alex looked at George. A helpless, or perhaps even hopeless look in his eyes. He leaned into George, sinking onto his chest, before abruptly sitting up, letting go of George and backing away. And then going down to the kitchen to get a drink while George still tried to process what just happened. Alex grabbed a coke, disgusted at himself. 'It's not like I even like him! He likes James. James likes him. And I'm fine alone.' But still something felt odd. And Alex just wished it would go away. George probably didn't even want to hold hands, and he had just misinterpreted him...he hung his head, ashamed. George walked down the stairs, giving his roommate a weak smile before grabbing a coke and going back to his own bed. But this time, it was Alex watching him all the way. Because he knew that there was no way to control what had already started. And he was never good at controlling his feelings anyway...but no. He wasn't falling in love with George, he knew he wasn't. There was absolutely, no way, no possible way he was falling in love with him. He couldn't. Not now. In fact, he even snooped so low to wish he couldn't. Because he knew what was going on. Maybe George did too. Who knew?

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