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Both boys awoke with a start as the first ray of sunlight crept into their bedroom through the crack in their curtains. George sat up further, remembering what day it was. Alex had also remembered, yet he slumped down back into his pillow. He felt like George was leaving him. What if they started dating. If George decided he wanted to live with James instead? Alex didn't want to deal with any of this. He hugged his pillow, squinting his eyes. It couldn't be that bad, could it? He almost wished for the worst for them, but sat upright. What was happening to him? He was happy for them. But he was turning into someone he didn't want to be. And this scared him - why wouldn't it? But he knew he'd have to do something. He trudged over to George's door, placing his hand on the handle as George burst through the door, smacking Alex in the face as he did so.

"Woah! Sorry." George began to apologise over and over as blood started to trickle down Alex's lip from his nose. Alex felt faint, but George placed a hand on his back, supporting him. He assisted him down the staircase, laying him down on the sofa. "I'll go make you some breakfast, OK?"
George hurried off to the kitchen as Alex began to grasp his senses again. He needed to talk to George, but that would have to wait. He could still feel the warmth from his touch on his skinny back. The older boy came back, biting his lip with a worried look on his face. "You alright? You're very pale."

"I'm always pale," He sat up, rubbing his eyelids "I'm fine George, honestly."

"Well, OK...Here," He placed a tray before the pale lad "Some toast."

"Thanks mate. When you meeting James?"

"Oh not until later. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me so much."

"Sorry, I just-" He paused. He wasn't sure what he was going to say. Alex looked eagerly, almost, up at him.

"Yeah?" Alex silently bit into his toast. It was a little crunchy, but he appreciated the gesture. He smiled up at George, who turned away briskly, hiding his blush from Alex. He reached into his pocket, tying his bandana around his jaw. He turned back to Alex, his face concealed.

"Do you want me to cancel?" The older boy kneeled down beside him, gently laying a hand on his thigh.

"W-why would I want that?"

"So I can take care of you, dumbass." He snickered.

"It's only my nose. I'll survive." He threw a weak smile in George's direction. They'd never admit it, but they both wanted to stay together for some reason. George had waited so long for this opportunity with James, and not he wanted nothing more than to just ghost him. What was wrong with him? The love of his life asks him out, and now he's having second thoughts. Alex only felt tremendous guilt once again. He wanted his best friend to be happy, so why was he being so selfish? George didn't belong to him. The boys sighed in unison.

"I'm gonna go get ready."

"You said your date wasn't for hours-"

"I just want to look my best, y'know." Alex solemnly nodded his head.

"Then you should really ditch the bandana, man. You look like a thug."

The older boy laughed "Only if you ditch that attitude. You're not my dad." He rolled his eyes, staring at the younger boy.

"You really don't mind me going?"

"Um, duh. Why wouldn't I?"

"I dunno, I just feel you've lately," he spoke gently, trying not to upset Alex. "And after what happened with, y'know..." he trailed off, eyes full of sympathy.

"Yeah well I'm fine, ok? I don't need you looking out for me all the time. I'm an adult, man. You need to stop treating me like a little kid. You're not that much older than me. Stop acting like you're fucking Ghandi or something."

"I'm just worried-"

"Well I don't need you to worry about me. I can deal with things on my own. Just like I already contacted the police about our break in. Which you didn't even consider doing, by the way. I know you maybe don't care about the hoodies they stole, but they were worth a lot of money. And breaking and entering is a serious crime. But all you seem to care about is this stupid date with James. It's like you're a teenage girl. You need to grow up, George."

George looked over at him, mouth agape underneath the soft mask. He wasn't trying to upset him, he was just worried. And maybe Alex was right. He pulled off the mask and sunk his head into his arms as the room began to spin. He felt light headed. Alex placed a hand on his shoulder, calling out to him.

"George? George?"

He looked up slowly, clutching his head for balance. "What's wrong with me, Al? Why am I like this?"

"No - George you're not childish I just overreacted-"

"I'm not talking about that." Alex cocked his head, indicating for George to continue. "The love of my life wants to go on a date and I - I don't know. Why can't I just be happy for once? I should be ecstatic right now, but I can't stop thinking and worrying about you and it's driving me fucking crazy. We've known each other for ages man. I don't see why I'm so worked up now."

"George." He whispered, stroking his hand. "I understand. I've been f-feeling the same and I don't know why or what's wrong with me. I want to be happy for you and I know I should be but I can't. I feel like I'm going crazy. I don't know if I'm just ill, or jealous or something but it's killing me. What do we do, George?"

George wasn't thinking. He didn't know what made him do what he did but it was too late. He reached over to hold Alex's chin in his hands, pulling him in and pressing their lips together. They stayed there for a moment before Alex pulled away. George looked away, embarrassed, as Alex just stared at him. Their faces were both beet red, and Alex was breathing harder than ever.

"George?" The shorter boy bit his lip, still refusing to look at Alex. Alex sighed, sitting up and reaching out to run his fingers over George's skinny arm. "George please just talk to me."

George sighed, turning towards Alex and reluctantly dragging his eyes up to meet his. Alex brushed his thumb over George's cheekbone to calm him. "I'm not mad. But we need to talk about this, m'kay?"

George solemnly nodded. This was going to be a long afternoon.

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