The Pizza

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Alex returned to the lounge, where he promptly sat down beside his roommate, George, who was staring at his phone looking bored. Alex looked slightly over his shoulder, getting full view of his chats with James. He turned away for a second, knowing it wasn't his business, before his curiosity got a hold of him and he looked again. George had been left on seen, and wasn't looking glad about it. Alex reached forward to rest a hand on his shoulder before pulling it back and unpausing his show. 'What is wrong with me?' he thought 'that's my roommate. Talking to his crush. Why the hell would I even think about touching him. I'm probably going to hell for the thought even crossing my mind. And I don't even believe in hell!' Alex's heart was racing and he couldn't place why. He sat, confused. He didn't know what was going on. Why was he thinking these things?
George switched off his phone, sliding it into his pocket. "Tell me when the pizza's here."
But George was already halfway up the stairs. He paused, turning back to look at Alex. "Yeah?"
Alex paused. He didn't even know why he'd called out. He shook his head, staring at his socks before resting his feet back upon the sofa. "Nevermind!" He shouted back. He waited until he heard George shut his door before he rubbed his head, groaning slightly. He felt ill, almost. He rested his hand on his forehead, feeling it heat up. 'What is wrong with me?' He thought to himself yet again. His discomfort went from concerning thoughts to headaches. And he was still confused nonetheless. He sighed, switching off the TV and looking through George's channel on his phone, his thumb resting on a thumbnail with him and James. 'They look like they're having a good time' he thought, almost smiling before blinking and scrolling further. 'He' s having fun with me and Will too. But that doesn't mean he's gonna start licking Will's eyelids. Where the hell are these thoughts coming from anyway?' He patted the sofa. He couldn't take much more of this; the constant headache, the thoughts, the confusedness. He put his fist in his mouth to stop him from screaming, about to break when the doorbell went. He leapt up, running to the door and twisting the handle.
The delivery man stood there, pizza's balancing on his outstretched palm. Alex went to take them, but he stepped back. "That's £14.10 sir."
Alex fumbled with his pockets, pulling out a £20 bill.
"Don't have any change. I need £14.10."
"Hold on." Alex took back his note, rushing to his bedroom where he found £14. "George?" He called into his roommate's room. "You got 10p?" George opened his door, staring at Alex before handing him the coin. "Pizza's here."
George looked up, his eyes widening, before they both sprinted back down the stairs, Alex handing the man the money. The man grunted, before giving the pizzas to Alex, who slammed the door in the man's face before retreating to the sofa and laying the pizzas on the table. George swooped over, snatching his up and standing for a moment before sitting down next to Alex. His phone pinged from his pocket, and he frantically hurried to get it out, hoping it was from James, but his face fell a little when he saw it was just a notification from James' youtube channel. His new video was titled: I asked 100 YouTubers out on a date...
Everything went quiet. The silence was more than deafening for George. He knew tears were starting to well up in his eyes so he turned away from Alex. He had been pranked? He felt sad, a little angry even. He wiped his face quickly before turning to Alex, who had also seen the notification on his own phone.
"What do you want, Alex?" He muttered through gritted teeth.
"Is everything..." he didn't know how to continue. He didn't want to look soft "ok?"
George went quiet. He didn't want to answer that question, didn't want to look soft. Instead, he bit into his pizza, looking anywhere but Alex. He sighed, putting his feet up on the table. "I'm an idiot Alex."
"Yeah, I know that. Why are you bringing it up?" He went still as he made a realisation. "Oh god, is this to do with...?"
"What do you think, Alex? What else would it be, I fell for a YuGioh card scam?"
"Seems likely."
George shot him a glance and he shut up. He knew how passionate George was about his YuGioh cards after all, and he was still dealing with the trauma of Will ripping up his £30 card. Alex looked at him, almost sympatheticly. He knew how much James meant to him, and to be embarrassed by him, wow. George must feel horrible. Alex picked up his phone again, clicking on the video and scrolling to try to find a mention of George. Nothing.
"What now?"
"He didn't include you."
George sat up, staring at Alex. "H-he didn't?"
George's face lit up slightly, before he realised he was staring at Alex and scowled, turning away. Alex smirked behind his back, George could be an odd dude. And then he remembered that moment again, pressing a hand against his forehead expecting the pain to flow through, but nothing came. He shook his head, confused. 'This needs to stop.' He told himself, in his head. 'Why am I even thinking about him so much? It's not like he's even handsome or anything.' Handsome. That word kept repeating in his head, him thinking over it. No, he wasn't handsome. Neither was he himself though. George noticed his faraway look and flicked his ear.
"George! What was that for?"
"You need to stop dreaming and eat your pizza before it freezes."
"You sound like my auntie."
"At least I don't look like a child predator."
Alex turned to him, giving George his nonciest smile as George pretended to try and scramble away from him. Alex took a bite out of his pizza, stretching his neck to look at George's only to find his had already gone, while he had only eaten around 2 thirds. George picked up his phone yet again, staring at his message. He still felt like an idiot. He rubbed his eyes, accidentally elbowing Alex hard in the process.
"Oi!" Alex stood up, rubbing his cheek. "What'd you do that for?"
"I didn't mean to, beta."
"Beta? Have you seen this hoodie?"
"Yeah. It's my merch." He said, rolling his eyes at Alex as he sat back down.
"You're actually such a nonce George."
George opened his mouth to mutter a retort.
And then the door rang.
And Alex began to bite his lip.

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