Date Night

506 16 13

The two boys sat in James car once again. They had just finished their dinner - which was just as good as James had built it up to be - and James was getting ready to take George home. But he needed to talk to him about something.


"Yes, James?"

"Everything okay? It looks like there's something on your mind." George sighed, bringing his eyes up to meet James'. He loved James' eyes. They were the perfect shade of hazel, complete with fine, golden flecks.

"I had a great time tonight James. Really. And I know we're not going out or anything but I feel I need to be honest with you about something," he paused, trying to figure out how to word it. He really had had a great time with James, but he didn't want to ruin the night. He had to tell him eventually though, and better sooner than later. "I don't know why I did it, but it happened. And I don't ever want to do it again." He began to bite his lip. "I was just scared-"

"Just spit it out George." The taller boy spoke up, resting a hand on George's arm.

"I kissed Alex." James suddenly yanked his hand away from George, looking at him disgustedly.

"When?" He spoke in a low tone.

"Earlier. About, three- four maybe hours before you picked me up? We were fighting, and I got scared, and I don't know why I did it. I don't like him like that James, I swear."

James grabbed his wrist, leaning in closer so that he could lean into George's ear. "You just couldn't wait for me to come, could you? You just can't keep your hands to yourself George!" He growled into his ear, tightening his grip. "You just had to be a little slut! What is wrong with you, George? What is wrong with you?"

Tears began to slide down George's warm cheeks as he began to stammer. "James y-you're hurting me."

"I'm hurting you? You're hurting me George! I thought you really liked me, but of course, you were just fucking using me, right?"

"N-no. Its not like that James. Please, just let go of me."

"Why should I George? Do you have any idea how long I've wanted this, just for you to go and mess it up like you mess up everything!" They were both crying waterfalls by this point, James holding onto George painfully tight as George squirmed in his grip. He wriggled away from him, back pressed up against the passenger door as he panted heavily.

James looked at him, eyeing the deep purple marks on his wrists he had caused and immediately rushing to his side. "I'm sorry George. I don't know what got into me." He took George's hand in his, rubbing circles over the bruises. "I'd never want to hurt you, you know that. I think it's from that wine. You'd better drive."

George nodded, climbing out his door and switching places with James, only paying brief attention to the fact that James hadn't drunk at all that night. He shook his head immediately - James probably did drink and George must have forgotten. Besides, James would never lie to him, right? Right. He startes and soon enough they were back at George and Alex's apartment.

"You'd better stay over, you're in no state to drive if you're feeling tipsy. You can take the sofa. We've got plenty of spare quilts in our bathroom closet, I can find you out one of them. Come on." He parked the car, helping James out and supported him to his sofa as James feigned drunkenness. He fetched him a quilt from the closet, tucking him in before leaving to retreat to his own bed, but not before he felt a tug on his arm.

"Stay. I'm not tired. We could watch a movie?" James looked up at George with large puppy dog eyes, pleading him to stay. George only shook his head.

"I don't know James, it's been a pretty long day. I'm exhausted. I really need some sleep."

"Aw come on, George. It'll only be another two hours or so. And anyway, if you stay, we could cuddle." James pulled George down onto the sofa beside him before he could even answer. He grabbed the TV remote, flicking through the channels until he found a movie he liked. He pulled George onto his lap, wrapping his arms around him as the intro to 'Titanic' began to play. It was one of James' all time favourites. George wasn't a fan of the movie, and he couldn't really move, but he wasn't complaining. James did make a cozy pillow, after all. He fell asleep only twenty minutes into the movie, while James sat through the entire movie, clinging onto George the entirely time.

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