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TW// homophobic slurs.

George solemnly nodded. He really didn't want to talk feelings with Alex - especially seeing as he didn't even understand them. He didn't know why he kissed him. He didn't even like him like that, right? He sighed. How was he even supposed to face James after this? How would he tell him? That he kissed his best friend behind his back? I mean, it's not like him and James are even dating, but he deserves to know the truth.

Alex continued to stroke his cheek, noticing his pained breaths and trying to subdue his hyperventilating. He noticed the boy gulp as he looked up at him guiltily.

"I-I don't like you like that Alex, really...I don't know why I did what I did. I understand if you h-hate me. It was stupid, and I wasn't thinking."

Alex pressed a finger to his lips, shushing him. "I don't hate you George. How could I?"

He continued to bite his lips, slowly shaking his head. "What am I going to tell James?" he whispered, afraid. Alex just looked at him quizzically.

"What do you mean? A-are you already dating?"

"Oh no! It's would be a little shitty to not tell him, don't you think?"

"Don't worry about it George. It's James. He'll understand. You should probably get ready now though. I hope it goes well."

George sighed. How did he deserve such a great roommate? He stood up in a hurry, eager to get out of the awkward atmosphere of their living room. He rushed up the stairs, slumping against his bedroom door as he locked it. He still had another three hours before James was picking him up for their date. They were going to this local restaurant James would never shut up about, so George wanted to look his absolute best. They had to be careful though - he didn't want any of James' viewers finding out they were on a date. What if that led them to finding out who "memeulous" really was. He wasn't ready for that. And what would they say about James? He didn't want James to be attacked for his sexuality. He walked over to his old, oak wardrobe, sifting through the clothes until finally settling on an ebony black blazer with matching trousers, a too-big light blue shirt, a plain belt and some black sneakers. He contemplated over the outfit for about half an hour, trying to figure out whether it was too formal, or not formal enough. Eventually he just shrugged it off, slipping on the attire before returning downstairs.

"Hey, Alex?" He asked, leaning on the doorframe of their living room.

"Huh?" He replied. Alex was still laying on the sofa, watching criminal minds.

He slowly trudged over to the TV, obstructing Alex's view so that he could get his full attention. "What do you think?" He did a quick spin, smiling sheepishly. His faced flushed red as he witnessed Alex look him up and down in awe.

"Gorgeous. I-I mean- you look great." He turned away from George. "Can I go back to watching criminal minds now?"

George chuckled, side-stepping out of the way. "Fine. But I know you only watch it because you fancy Matthew Gray Gubler."

"I do not!" He stammered, face going red.

"Come on Alex! It's so obvious. And stupid. I mean, he's not even that hot." He scoffed, a playful grin plastered onto his tired face.

"You're just jealous that he's prettier than you." Alex rolled his eyes at George. "What are you even doing for your date? You look like you're going to prom or something."

"James is taking me for dinner. And you can stop with this teenage girl thing man. Anyway, I would never go back to prom."

"You say that, but we all know you loved prom."

"Wha-no. Why would I like prom?"

"Because you got to dance with a total cutie. We've seen the pictures your mum took of you and him in her photo album. 'Aww look at these cuties. Too bad Georgie had to go with his wittle friend instead of a girl. I really thought he was going to ask that Helen girl!'" He mocked his mother's tone. "There's no way you were just friends. You definitely liked him, come on."

"I did not! And I hated prom. We didn't even dance that much. And anyway, there's no way he liked me. Especially not when he tipped his drink all over me after I asked him to slow dance with me. 'You really think I'm going to do a couples dance with you, faggot? I'm not your fucking boyfriend.'" He sniffled, walking towards the door before being stopped by Alex's hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, George."

"Not your fault. I need to finish editing my videos." He lied, walking away and ignoring Alex's attempts to grab his attention again. He didn't want to talk about it anymore, especially not with him. He hated talking about prom. He was so glad it was at the end of school though - he didn't think he'd be able to deal with all the slurs and bullying from his peers after Justin told everyone that he liked guys.

Even now, James and Alex were the only friends of his that knew. He wasn't worried his friends would hate him - hell, Will and Stephen were already dating - he just wasn't ready yet. Of course, he didn't really have a choice in telling James and Alex. It's not easy to keep something like that from your roommate and best friend, and you can't really hide that from a guy you're going on a date with.

He still couldn't really believe James was actually into guys, and into him of all people was like a massive dream. Before long, he heard a knock at his door. "Go away Alex! I don't want to talk!" Alex walked into his room regardless, standing in the doorway.

"James is here." He mumbled, walking away again. George instantly felt bad, but he didn't have time to apologise right now. He practically ran down the stairs, excitedly opening the front door to see James. He was looking very formal, just like George. James smiled at him, outstretching his arm for George to take as he walked him to his car. He stepped in the passenger seat as James politely opened the door for him, inhaling the sweet 'new car smell' coming from his air freshener. The taller boy walked back around, climbing into the driver's seat and starting the ignition. He pulled into first gear and they were off. He shifted into second, nearing thirty miles per hour as they continued to roll through the many streets. George smiled over at him, laying a hand on his thigh whilst opening the car window with the other. It was only seven o'clock, so it was only just starting to get dark.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this." The shorter boy breathed out, leaning his head slightly out of the window into the wind.

"Me too George," he brought a hand down from the steering wheel to rest over George's. "Me too."

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