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George woke up as the first ounces of sunlight began to trickle into the dark living room through the blinds no one had remembered to close. He was still trapped in the embrace of James, who was still just as strong while asleep. George wiggled around for a while, trying to get out of James' hold but to no avail. His stomach rumbled as the room kept getting even lighter from the sunlight. The television was still on from last night, but James must have muted it before falling asleep.

George suddenly heard the slight creak of the stairs, turning as much as he could to see his roommate tiptoeing down the stairs. He turned, meeting George's eyes with his own, before looking down to see James. 'He must have stayed over last night' he thought to himself. That meant their date must have gone well then.

"Sorry for waking you up." He whispered, walking over to the doorway so that George could hear him.

"Oh. No I was already up." He shook his head.

"I see your date went well?" He smirked as George's face lit up.

"It was really great, Alex. I'd love to do it again." James eyes fluttered open as George said that. He sat up instantly, pushing George away from him a little.

"You'd do what again? Kiss him?" He scoffed, pushing George further away. "Did our date mean nothing George? Are you gonna leave me for this guy?" He chuckled nervously, raising his voice at George. His voice was laced with insecurity, which Alex immediately noticed, causing him to back off.

"He was talking about your date, dingus." He rolled his eyes at the two before heading off to their shared kitchen to make himself breakfast. James sighed, pulling George back towards him again to embrace him once more. George sunk into his touch, laying there for who knows how long before getting up, to James' dismay.

"I'm going to grab some breakfast. You want anything?" James nodded standing with him and stretching an arm around the shorter boys shoulder as they walked to the kitchen together. He steered them towards the island in the middle so he didn't have to face Alex, who was still in there waiting on his toast. James knew their apartment like the back of his hand, and so was able to find what he was looking for straight away. Pancakes were George's favourite, so he began microwaving them whilst motioning for George to go and sit back down. He was out only five minutes later, a plate of pancakes in each of his hands for the two of them. He set them down on the old wooden coffee table, sitting back down to snuggle with George. He slowly wrapped an arm around his shoulders, trying to make it clear to Alex that George was his. The younger boy got the memo, and disappeared upstairs with his slightly burned toast.

George slowly backed put of his grip, reaching out to grab his plate. As soon as he had leaned back again, James wrapped his arms around him once more. It was sweet, but George was getting tired of his clinginess.

"James." He tried to pry his arm off of him, to no avail. "I can't eat when you're holding me like this."

"Oh." The taller boy sighed, finally pulling away from George and starting on his own breakfast. Once they had both finished eating, James scooted closer to him again. "Last night was fun...we should do this again." He whispered into the shorter boy's ear, causing George to shudder from the closeness and lean forward a little out of discomfort.

"Yeah," He mumbled. "Definitely." He sounded uncertain, but it was good enough for James, who happily embraced him, smiling into his shoulder.

Alex backed off into his room, giving the two boys space. He knew how much James meant to George, and didn't want to intrude on them. He hadn't expected James to stay over, but that meant their date must have gone well, right? He shuddered as he remembered James' reaction to their conversation. He seemed pretty on edge, another reason to give them some space.

The younger boy sighed, slouching against the wall while he sat cross-legged on his bed. He couldn't stop thinking about George kissing him. He didn't mean to, Alex knew that, but he just couldn't get his head around it. Did he really mean what he said, about feeling the same way as him? He shook his head, no, George wouldn't lie to his best friend.

Something just didn't seem right though. Why did they sleep on the sofa? George hates their sofa, he always complains about how uncomfortable it is. And why would James overreact to their simple conversation earlier? They could have been talking about anything, really...he silently opened his door, tip-toeing over to the top of the staircase and peering down to try and look at the two. But he couldn't see them from there, meaning they were probably still in the living room. He slowly crept down the stairs, careful not to make any noise. He craned his neck around the corner, looking into the living room and letting out a sigh of relief. They were cuddling on the sofa, just like they were before. Everything was fine. Alex was probably overreacting to nothing. But then he saw James whispering into George's ear, making the boy shudder and pull away a little, to which James only brought him closer, smiling into his shoulder and whispering to him again. This time George awkwardly cleared his throat before excusing himself to the bathroom to get away from him.

Alex quickly rushed into the kitchen, hoping George didn't notice him eavesdropping. The older boy bumped into him as he stepped out, awkwardly stumbling back.

"Alex! I- uh didn't hear you come down..." he trailed off, looking down at the floor. Alex quickly apologised before hurrying off again, grabbing some pepsi from their fridge and practically sprinting to get back up the stairs. But he was unfortunately stopped by a large hand on his shoulder before he could shy away.

"Alex." James grumbled, causing the younger boy to turn around, almost dropping his can.

"J-James. Hey-"

"You need to stay away from George."

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