Good Morning Mom

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"Good morning, Mom!," I triumphantly stepped into the bedroom only to find it empty. Thomas and I had been planning for days and only to find her gone? We looked around the room. We checked the bathroom door, closets, under blankets, she was nowhere!

About a half hour later, I dragged my Christmas present from four years ago when Dad had been here. It was a buggy that you could attach to the back of a bicycle, so that I could bring Thomas along with me. Knowing how bad off my mom was, I had a few ideas of where she might be, but I chose to hope none were true.

She wasn't in the pharmacy, not the grocery store either. We checked the mall, or at least all I could bring Thomas in, and I only glanced in those. After a long day of looking in every place I could think of, I decided to take a break. Luckily, we weren't to far from church and that was a perfect place to rest for how ever long we needed.

I'm very sure that anyone in the sanctuary thought many... thoughts... as we shuffled in. We were dirty and smelly from going back and forth across town all day today, not many people were packed into the pews at the moment. As I looked the crowd for a glimpse of a friend, I came across a greasy, brown head. It was Mom! This was the last place I ever would've looked for my mom! We rode back home and didn't say a word. At home we fixed up a great breakfast of everything we could find. We found two almost expired eggs, a waffle, and half of a pop tart. It was a lot for us at the time. We were a poor family then.

Every morning while Thomas and I are still asleep, Mom would go to church. Of course, neither of us knew about it, because Mom has a way of keeping everything mysterious. When Mom comes home, she always goes back to her room so no one knows, except for that now, we know anyway.

When we heard her bedroom door click shut, we slunk to where we had hidden the breakfast. Thomas picked up the cracked glass of pulpy orange juice and I got the plate, and we started the day over.

"Good morning,Mom," I triumphantly stepped into the bedroom to find Mom sitting tear stained on her unmade bed. As we came into the room she bolted upright and wiped her eyes. She was still scared of me. She ate the breakfast but sniffed it first as if she believed us to have put something bad in it. Eventually though, she smiled.

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