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  i n f i n i t y   w a r  


New York City

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'Let's go back to your mom's place.'

The cafe was withdrawn due to the utter hollowness of it. Since the exceptional Tony Stark was having coffee in this cafe and—as he had put it—the Beatles kind of popular, he ought to hire out the cafe for a few hours. It showed odd to relate him, a superhero in a tin can suit who saved the world, to a world-famous band. They had nothing in common other than fame. Being with Tony was like willingly taking on a god complex. To be bathed in the lights of cameras and the mutter of voices, it was uncomfortable but he was sure to make me feel at ease. Of course, he had taken that concept too far when he had bought out the shop for us.

A coy smile perked on my lips as I blew into my piping cup of coffee. The smell stirred me awake, bringing my senses alight to approach his question with a clear mind. Tony seemed earnest as he toyed with the edges of the blueberry muffin, plucking out crumbles as if devouring it manually, I cast it a pained look.

'I mean it,' Tony verified, popping a tiny crumb into his mouth. 'Let's grab Margo, go to your little Preece farm and... I dunno—take a break?'

'A break.'

'Pluck apples, rear cows, start a larder... Ellie, don't laugh at my sincerity. What, you can't imagine your three-time doctorate genius petting chickens?'

I let my laughs die out to a faint smile. 'We don't have apples. Oranges, mangoes—'

'Even better. C'mon, let's do it. I'll give you a week to settle in.'

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