Chapter 3 !

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"SAPPHIRE" I heard my father yell making me jump up quickly

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"SAPPHIRE" I heard my father yell making me jump up quickly

I ran down the steps "yes daddy" I blurted

"Why aren't you up yet , your late for school"

I didn't even realize I had school the next day being on the phone with Jabari all night

"I must've overslept I'll go get ready now"


I was going to the door about to grab my keys but my daddy stopped me in my tracks with 8 gift bags

"Happy birthday baby and there's more to come later" he smiled bigly which made me laugh

"Thank you daddy , I'll go put these in my room for later" I said smiling then walked away

I had forgot it was my birthday

I changed my wholeeeee outfit & curled my hair a bit

It was gonna be on the colder side today so I wore my uggs and a sweater

I ran down the steps cuz now I was late late


"Have a good day baby"


I almost forgot that I had to go get my new schedule since I'm in a new math class with seniors

I walked in the classroom with my head down since I'm a shy person just a bit

"Ms.ramble you are late" the teacher said causing all the students to look at me


"Take any seat that's open also happy birthday" she said

The class said happy birthday in unison after her

"Thank you" I said smiling then looked around to see an empty seat open by Jabari

What a coincidence

"hiya" I said nudging him

"Hey shorty, happy birthday , ima get you sum"

"Awww you don't have too but thank you"

"No problem shorty" he said winking at me

I turned back to the teacher seeing Jessica our principals daughter eyeballing me and Jabari

I just laughed it off he's mine already sis


The day had pasted with happy birthdays, boring classes, & random conversations

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