Chapter 14 !

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I woke up on the bathrooms grey marble floor, face to the sink cabinets

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I woke up on the bathrooms grey marble floor, face to the sink cabinets

My head ached badly, it felt like it had been hit hard

I got up quickly going to look for Sapphire remembering what happened

I looked all over the house coming to the hallway closest to the door finding Marvin crouched over holding something

"What's wrong Marvin" I asked nervously

"Where the fuck is Sapphire Jabari" he said full of anger

"That's what I'm trying too figure out" I responded calmly

"How do you not know where she is ?you were here with her"

"Some people came last night roughing shit up and she went out to get her knife but I had got her then she left me again and after that the door opened and I thought it was here but it was some dude, after that ion remember nothing" I concluded

"Follow me" he said walking towards his office

Marvin put his code in then the office doors opened, we walked to his desk, I stayed on the outside waiting for whatever he was going to do

"What time was this around" he asked

"Maybe 4:30 or 5:00 in the morning"

"Come on this side boy"

I went to the inside seeing him clicking a folder that read cameras

He set the time to 4:30 am, he scanned the screen pointing to the front of the house, 3 men walked in without forced entry

"The fuck" Marvin scrunched his face up at

The men said something then went separate ways

Marvin fast forwarded the tape a little to where Sapphire was getting her knife from out of one of the men

"That's my girl" Marvin said cheering at the screen

I just laughed at him

She took the mask revealing a lifeless Kayo

Marvin abruptly stopped the tape "what the hell" , "why the fuck was Kayo trying to kill Sapphire"

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