Chapter 15 !

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2 months later . (did not proof read)

Sapphire <3

I was now 3 months pregnant and getting thicker by the minute , my tummy was hardening as it started to poke out

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I was now 3 months pregnant and getting thicker by the minute , my tummy was hardening as it started to poke out

I leaned back on the bed "aw fuck that hurt" I rubbed my back , pulling the back of my shoes on

after that i grabbed my purse, phone, and keys closing my doors

"bye mejgan , bye daddy" i yelled you down the hallway

I texted carlee I was on the way to get her , we were going to the mall today to get some stuff for the baby

• • • • •

"heeey bae" carlee greeted me smiling

"hey boo" i turned down the radio

"is Jabari coming ?"

"nah he had to work" I pouted as I pulled off to the mall

"oh okay , how aunties baby doing since you the accident"

"baby is good , I told you only i was affected not the baby"

"you know i gotta make sure y'all good"

"i know and i love you for that"

. . . . .

we got out my car fixing ourselves before we headed to the mall doors

"what you wanna get first baybee" carlee asked excited

"let's find a neutral colored outfits first since i don't know what i'm having"

"let auntie handle all that yo go get yo self some food then meet me at that baby store over there" she pointed out a baby store then walked away

i rubbed my stomach walking over to the food court to see what food stores they had , i spotted a Chinese joint so i decided to order from there

after i ordered and got my food i found a table to eat my food , my phone buzzed , i pulled it out seeing a text from Jabari

From : babyboy 🤍💫
hey mamas

To : babyboy 🤍💫
hey daddy

From : babyboy 🤍💫
what you up too, i'm free and i want to see my babies

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