Chapter 12 !

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I was listening to this when I was writing 😌



I woke up instantly feeling like I was about to puke my whole stomach up

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I woke up instantly feeling like I was about to puke my whole stomach up

I ran to my bathroom and crouched over letting out everything for about 3 minutes

After that I got my stuff to take a shower


I walked out my room grabbing my keys so I could go to this booty school of mine

"SAPPHIRE" I heard my daddy yell

"Cominggg" , "Yes daddy?"

"Princess, I'm not mad but I'm disappointed that your pregnant at 17 years old"

I put my head down because honestly I couldn't even say anything or I would cry

"I'm gonna make sure I help you and I know you don't want to but your gonna have to go with your mom for awhile"

"What no, why ?!"

"Because I haven't been pregnant before so I won't know much"

"Okay see you daddy" I responded  with attitude walking out the house to go to school

. . . . .

The bell rung as soon as I walked through the school doors

At this point I was just gonna be late 🤷🏽‍♀️

I went to my locker nonchalantly opening it instantly noticing a note I grabbed it and my books for my first few classes then walked to my first class of the day


"Ms.ramble you are late" Mr.shoom said acknowledging me

"Sorry sir" I responded taking my seat next to kamiya

"Hey girl" kamiya said trying me already

I just looked at her and scoffed then looked back at the teacher

"Uh okay" she said awkwardly

I just wanted this class to be over already , I was tired and still upset with Jabari


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