Chapter 10 !

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It was Tuesday and I was getting dressed for my doctors appointment to see what was wrong with me

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It was Tuesday and I was getting dressed for my doctors appointment to see what was wrong with me

I wanted Jabari to come but he had to go to school and practice so it's just me and my daddy

"Gem you ready" my daddy yelled up the steps as I put my shoes on

"Yea I'm coming now" I responded grabbing my phone and purse

. . . . .

"Sapphire Ramble" the doctor said holding the door open as I walked in the back area

I stepped on the scale so she could weigh me

"How you been Mr.ramble" the nurse said smiling at my daddy then grabbed a clipboard writing down my weight

"Fine" he answered simply

We walked down to the exam room and waited for the doctor to come


"Hello Sapphire so tell me what's going on" asked me as she sat down

"Well I throw up in the morning from time to time , I'm starting to not like or smell things that I usually like and I'm craving stuff I don't eat" I said looking over at my daddy who was eyeing me

"Have you been intimate in the past few weeks"

I nodded not wanting to say yes aloud while my father eyes got big

"Did you use protection" she asked looking from me to my father

I looked down while playing with my fingers "no I didn't" I said lowly

"Then there's a chance you are pregnant"

"Can we do some test to be certain please" I asked putting my head up

"Yes follow me"




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