Tylia, an African American woman who owns a billion dollar company, is having trouble in her life. Her husband cheated on her, but she never realizes that the woman who he cheated with was with her very own best friend. So, she goes onto an online p...
Kosmos: Would it be too much if I asked how old you are?
You: No, it's okay, I'm 36 and you?
Kosmos: 18
You: Oh my, so young 🙈😳
Kosmos: If you put that way, yes.
You: Are you okay with speaking to someone that could be your mother?
Kosmos: If I wasn't, I wouldn't be here
Kosmos: Now what's your name?
You: Um..
You: It's Tylia.
Kosmos: Pretty name. Would you be a dear and send me a picture of you?
You: You wanted to see me?
Kosmos: That's what I said, yes.
You: Um .. okay give me a second please.
Kosmos: I'm waiting.
Kosmos: You still there?
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Kosmos: You're very pretty
You: Oh, thank you ☺️
You: You're the first to ever say that to me.
Kosmos: People don't know what they're missing
You: Can I see a picture of you please?
Kosmos: Okay
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You: Oh my...
You: Why in the world are you chatting with me?
Kosmos: Because I can, can't I? Unless you want me to leave you alone
You: No, I was just not expecting you to be so.. good looking?
Kosmos: Mhm.
You: Why are you on here in the first place? I bet you get girls your age left and right.
Kosmos: I don't want sluts like them.
You: Oh...
Kosmos: Yes, and besides "girls my age" do not know the definition of relationship.
You: So you're not the type of guy that sleeps around?
Kosmos: No, believe it or not, I prefer relationships
You: Me too, though, men don't like me as I thought they did
Kosmos: I guess we both need to try something different, huh?
You: What do you mean?
Kosmos: I have to go. I'll text you tomorrow, okay?
You: I'll still be on later
Kosmos: No, tomorrow. You need your sleep.
You: Okay. Talk to you tomorrow then?
Kosmos: Good night Tylia.
You: Good night
~ × ~
Kosmos: Morning.
You: Oh! Good morning!
You: I wasn't expecting you to text me, actually
Kosmos: And why not? Of course I'd text a pretty lady like you
You: Stop it..
You: What are you doing today? Do you go to college?
Kosmos: Yes, I do, business school, my father wants me to take over the family company, it's a big business, you should know it
You: Really??
Kosmos: No, I can not afford college so I work as a waiter at a restaurant.
You: Oh... do you want to go?
Kosmos: No, it's a waste of my time.
You: But college is good for you!
Kosmos: What is this? A "let's persuade Kosmos so he could go to college" thing?
Kosmos: You're not my Mother, Tylia, stop trying to make me go to college, I already wasted my money coming to America, i don't want to waste anymore on their shit schools.
Kosmos: What are you doing?
You: Getting ready for work, I work at a company, and I sometimes go to colleges and high schools to speak to the children.
Kosmos: That's neat, do you hang out with friends?
You: Me and my friend Nick hangs out sometimes
Kosmos: Oh?
You: Yeah, but he's too busy all the time, so we can't hang out all the time ☹️
Kosmos: Ah I see, well I'll let you finish getting ready then