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Ahhh I am finally done with this story 😂. I've been dragging this out for wayyyy too long. I've set a deadline for myself to be done with it in NOVEMBER 2019 and now look. It's FEBRUARY 2020. and whole 3 months later 😭😭.

This story was honestly great for me to right. Near the end, I had so many ideas that I wanted to use.

I don't want to blame writer's block for not updating at the end because let's be real here, some writers just become lazy, right? Because I sure did. I have to go back and edit this book as well because I'm prettyyyyyy sure there's a lot of errors and just misuse of information.

I should start editing now but I'm lazy right now, I just sat there for hours writing these last two chapters. I had to clear my head, and listen to some writing music 😅.

I hope you guys enjoyed that though. I'm sticking with short stories for now because for one, I can't, for the life of me, finish a story if it's a long one. I have to many ideas and want to use all of them. Or I just feel uninspired to continue it and I don't want to do that, seeing that there's a lot that going on already on this app😂😂.

So here you go. A nine chapter book about a lady meeting a man xD.

Also, I find it weird that I find some "short story" books with about 20+ chapters like no 😭😭it's not a short story. I say 10-15 is already pushing it.

Okay I'm ranting.


I hope you liked it. (Did I say that already?)


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