Part 2

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You: Um...

You: Hi?

Kosmos: Hello

You: i didn't think you'd answer back...

Kosmos: I will.

Kosmos: I told you to text me when you're free, are you free?

You: Mhm, I just came home from work.. it was a long day :(

Kosmos: Go soak in a nice, warm bath, okay?

You: If I do, would you leave?

Kosmos: No silly, I won't

You: Okay, I'll do it then.

Kosmos: Good girl, do you have an iPhone?

You: Yes, I do

Kosmos: Then once you get in the bath, FaceTime me

Kosmos: And you better do it.

You: But that's embarrassing!!

Kosmos: What's that? I'm sorry, did you just deny me?

You: Fine! I'll do it

Kosmos: Good girl.


My thumb was hovering over the FaceTime button and I was hesitating. I've never done this before. Not ever.

I bit my lip and pressed the call button. It was ringing a few times before he picked up, and I almost dropped my phone at his sexiness. "Are you in the bath?" He asked, clearly a thick accent prominent, and I nodded. "Show me, then." His voice was so deep.

I covered my breasts and moved the phone farther away, so he could see the bubbles. "Good girl. Now tell me about your day." He says.

"U-Um... I found my um... My necklace that I lost a while back, this morning. A-And I hung out with my friend Nick during my lunch break.."

"Your voice is so beautiful." He says, and I felt my face heat up.

"Thank you..." I reply.

"It's so soft, light, and so shy-like. So beautiful, baby girl." He whispered. I bit my lip. "Fuck, don't do that. You already turn me on so much." My eyes widened.

"You–" He cut me off.

"Shhh. Enjoy your bath baby." I nodded and leaned back, laying against the wall of the tub. "Tylia?" He asked.

"Yes?" I closed my eyes.

"You're very beautiful, you know that to right?" I shook my head. "You are, baby. Lower the phone and your arms for me please?" He asked huskily. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was laying down with a dim light on. "Please, baby girl. For me?"

I did what he asked me to do, and he chuckled. "Mmm, do you have any children, Tylia?" I shook my head. "I'm going to change that very very soon. Your tits are so perky, baby. My God, you are so perfect." I brought my legs up some and rubbed them together. He was turning me on.

I decided to be a little daring and play with my right breast. "Oh..? Becoming a little daring, aren't we baby?" I opened my eyes and looked him in the eye. "Oh, baby girl, you do not know what you've just walked into."

I pinched my nipples and moaned softly, and the expression on his face changed suddenly. "Tylia. You're being such a bad bad girl. You need to stop it, baby, because once I get started, there's no stopping me, trust me."

I whimpered and dropped my hand under the water.

"You're such an obedient girl. Such a good girl." I smiled a little. "What are you doing tomorrow?"

"I have volunteer work, so I have to go to five different orphanages and foster homes each and I brighten up their days by taking them somewhere or buying them gifts."

"My baby's a nice girl, huh?" I nodded shyly and blushed.

"I like to give back to the community, ya know? Since I've been in both foster homes and orphanages most of my life." I shrugged.

"That's terrible, baby. At least you're giving those kids happiness, you know?" I nodded.

"Is your real name... Really Kosmos?" He nodded when I asked that question.

"Yes, it is Kosmos. I'm from Greece." I giggled.

"No wonder why you're so... Sexy! Because you're Greek!" I giggled and he chuckled.

"Mhm, I guess so baby."

"Say something Greek!" I said happily.

"Giatí den eísai dikós mou akóma, prinkípissa?" He says, and I giggled. (Why arent you mine yet, princess?)

"I don't know what you said, but it sounded sexy!" I covered my mouth, stopping myself from laughing.

"You're so bold tonight, princess." I stuck my tongue out at his realization. "What did you do with this 'Nick' guy?" He asked.

"We just went out to a diner a couple of blocks down from the company. It's nice to get away for a while."

"That's why I moved away from Greece to come here. Start a fresh life elsewhere." I nodded.

"Why do you want a different life? What happened to the old one?" I asked.

"A lot of shit, trust me. And it's on top of the drama shit I have with my parents. America is so expensive, you know? So many expectations. Then throw on slutty chicks coming out of nowhere throwing themselves at me with their fucking fake ass and tits in my face and rubbing all against me." He scoffed and i shrugged.

"That's what girls do.. and when guys get caught cheating with one of them, they either blame it on the girl, or blame it on their partners." I sighed.

"Baby girl, what happened? Did someone hurt you that way?" Kosmos asked.

"I mean... I was um.. married with a guy for twenty years and he just left me for a cuter, younger girl.. he said that he was tired of me because all I do is work, and we barely had sex and that I was um... Ugly..." I said the last word quietly but he heard me.

"What the fuck? Baby, trust me, you aren't ugly. You're very beautiful. So fucking beautiful." He chuckled. "Men don't know what they're missing, darling." Kosmos had leaned over and turned off his light, and as he did that, I yawned. "Tired, baby?" I nodded. "Okay. Save my number baby. I'll let you wash up and go to bed, okay?"

"Okay..." I replied.

"Don't sleep inside of the tub, baby girl."

"Okay okay, I won't." I said, my eyes getting droopy.

"Baby..." He said sternly, and something inside of me stirred up. I've never felt this feeling before. I blinked my eyes a couple of time before focusing back on him. "Do I need to stay on the phone to make sure you won't fall asleep on me?" I shrugged and yawned once more. "I think I do. Come on, baby, sit up. Let the water out and run the shower water."

I whined, but I sat the phone on the toilet and did what he told me to do. The warm shower water hitting my skin, making me even more tired. I washed my body up and once I got out, I forgot that Kosmos was on the phone still.

I grabbed my towel and dried myself off, folding it and sitting it on the countertop, then putting my nightclothes on. "All done, baby doll?" Kosmos said which frightened me.

"Ah, fuck! I forgot you were here! And yes, I am done." Kosmos chuckled.

"Mkay. Go to bed now, honey. I'll text you in the morning, okay?" I made my way to my room, closing the bedroom door and flopping right down on the bed.

"Okay.." I whispered, putting my phone on the charger. "G'night Kosmos."

"Kalinýchta, koritsáki." He says and I closed my eyes, slipping off into dream world. (Goodnight, baby girl.)

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