Chapter 19- The Game & The Dance

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So after that peace was restored. DJ had her friends back and made some new friends too. Not to mention she was a boy friend. But hey, it's high school. The Talent Show was the night after and the person who turned out winning was Jay with her amazing singing talent.

At the basketball game two days after, five of their players were injured by the Bulls pushing them around. DJ knew she had to do something...but it was a boys game and there was no way that coach would let her...or will he?

'This is outrageous! We have no subs!!' yelled the coach and frustration. DJ could see it too...the game was unfair. The Bulls hurt the other players to get the ball.

DJ kept watching to see if anything else was going to happen. Mark stole the ball as the Bulls tried to up for the shot. He ran down the court so fast and he passed the ball to Brian who was around the semi-circle near their goal. He went for a lay-up but as he jumped one of the Bulls players elbowed him in the stomach. To the crowds horror he let go of the ball, grabbed his stomach in pain and fell to the ground hitting his shoulder real hard.

At that the Dolphin team supporters all boo'd.

'Hey that's a foul ref! That's a foul' yelled DJ among a few other people. Brian looked as if he found it hard to breathe. DJ couldn't bare it but to her luck the buzzer sounded for 3 quarter time.

'It is now 3 quarter time and Brian Godfrey, number 54 seems to be injured, and it had seemed that Gordon Carmelo has been sent off' yelled out the guy on the P.A. DJ saw Mark with a red face holding his stomach and the other hand holding his shoulder that got hurt. DJ ran all the way down to where the players were. She then walked up to Mark checking if he was okay.

'Brian, are you okay?' DJ asked him with worry.

'Yeah i'm cool...I can still play' Brian said but when he tried to move his arm he yelled in pain, 'Argh! Shit my shoulder!' he yelled in pain.

'No! You're not playing, you're breathing heavily and you're shoulder hurts you need a medic, babe' DJ told him.

'Dude, DJ's right you need the medic' said Mark. 'Gosh, I feel like such a effin idiot for passing the ball to him and letting this happen' said Mark in guilt.

'Mark, it's not your fault! It's's all theirs' said DJ as Mark slowly agreed. DJ then turned to Brian.

'Just breathe honey' DJ said as she instructed him to breathe slowly. His breathing went fine eventually which made DJ give him a kiss. All the boys crowding around them gave a nod and high fived each other while seeing the kiss.

'Thanks babe...but my shoulder kills' said Brian in pain.

'Come on slackers, we only have four players on the team so i want to you to pick up the game' yelled the coach ruining the silent moment.

'Sir, the other team should be disqualified' said Danny Soktem. He was the defender on the court and a good friend of Mark.

'I know Danny, but i'm afraid we can't do anything' said coach in regret. Suddenly DJ had a light bulb moment.

'Wait! I can play!' said DJ. The coach looked at her weirdly as if she were an alien.

'But you're a girl DJ, and I know you're an excellent player but it specifically says a "guy's team" so yeah' the coach said.

'But sir there's nothing in the rule books against it and i played with the boys in basketball at my old school' I said hoping to convince him but he didn't seem convinced.

'And by the way coach...she's not only a girl' said Mark as he looked at DJ with a smile as DJ smiled back.

'She's a tomboy too' said Mark joining in. DJ turned to him and smiled as he gave a hot wink to her. Everyone then turned to coach who was looked at DJ suspiciously. Who knew what he was thinking.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2013 ⏰

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