Chapter 8

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It has been a few months now since my first guest appearance on The Ellen Show. When everything changed; I'm still thrilled. It's still fresh from my memory. Now I'm recording my very own songs for my very first album "Little Infinity". And I also have my stage name now "Ellie Ann" is what they call me. I kinda like it. 

I still write my own songs. Now with a little help from Cody, hopefully this album will gain some listeners. He is amazing when it comes to song writing. You can feel that what he writes in his songs really came from his heart. I know it's corny but it's true. Things are going well between Cody and me. I must say that he's very talkative. Sometimes I just want to put duct tape in his mouth for five minutes. While his sister is too much about fashion and stuff that I can't relate much to her. While with Cody, I can be who I really am. I don't have to pretend to be somebody I'm not when I'm around him. He's my best friend now.

"I hope you'll realize, that I'm the one for you." The music stops and I put the headphones down. I walk outside the studio and saw Cody standing by the door, holding a bouquet of yellow roses.

"Hey bud." That's our new nickname. He came up with that, obviously. He smiled and gave me the roses.

"Hey, what's with the roses?"

"Don't you remember? It's our five month friend-niversary."

"What? Is that even a thing?"

"Yes. We celebrated it last month."

"Dude, you celebrated it last month."

"Oh, yeah." He scratches his head. "Please celebrate it with me."

"I can't. I have to record today. I'm sorry."

"Well then I'll just watch."

I sighed. "Fine." 

"You know, you can go if you really have to. We can record again tomorrow." Franny said.

"Really, are you sure?"

"Yeah." She smiled. "You go have fun."

"Thanks Franny."


After that Cody and I went to the mall. A lot of people suddenly pops out of nowhere and followed us wherever we go. Someone even followed me to the bathroom. It's a good thing the janitress stopped her after she almost followed me into the cubicle. Some fans are weird. But I guess that's what makes it exciting in the music industry. Cody said that the only thing that you should look out for is the paparazzi, crazy fans and other artist. When I ask why, the only answer I got was "They will do whatever it takes to take you down with everything you own and love. Trust me, I know." I nodded and didn't say another word after that.

We stopped by every toy store, fast-food & book stores. Cody grabbed as much books as his hands can carry and I did the same with the food. We stopped by the last toy store before our last destination. Cody left me browsing toys on the toy cars section. He said he needed to get something. So I continue to look for a blue mustang toy car as a gift for my dad. When I finally found one, I grabbed it and suddenly somebody tapped on my shoulder. I was shocked. I turn around and saw Cody in front of me, holding a white bear with a necklace tied around its neck.

"Is that for me?" I asked him.

"Ofcourse it's for you." He smiled. "Who else would I give it to?"

"Uh I don't know, you're girlfriend?!" I said sarcastically.

"She already has tons of these. Besides I want to give this one to you."


"Because you're special to me Eleanor."

"What do you mean by that?"

He did not respond. But I notice that his cheeks were turning red. I was curious. But I didn't want to sound to assuming.

"Because you are my best friend, that's why." He reached for my hand. All I did was smile. I can't help it. I just want to spend more time with him more than ever. 

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