The Airship And Meeting Someone New

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As my friends and I board the airship, we head to where all the applicants are. We see the chairman and I tiredly smile. Netero introduces himself officially and says he will be sticking around for awhile. I yawn, all my earlier energy instantly disappearing.

'I need a nap. It seems that I've used more energy than I thought I would. I need to find a room or something.'

Then the green bean says that we will be arriving at 8 am tomorrow and dinner is in the dining hall.

'I also should probably get some food. I've only had that salad and a bite of dream egg. I need a meal,' I sigh, just wanting to sleep.

'Gotta take care of myself. Even if I don't feel like it.'

They excuse us and I see Gon and Killua head out to go exploring. Gon turns back just about to invite me but I send him a small smile and motion him to 'shoo'. I start to head to where I hope the dining hall is when I sense someone about to touch my shoulder.

I quickly grab the hand and look at the male that decided they had the right to touch me, slightly grumpy from being hungry and tired.

"Ugh what do you want Mr. Magician."

"I'm here to kidnap you little bear~"

"Can I get food first?" I ask, too tired to resist his wishes.

"Hmmm sure little bear~"

We head to the dining hall together and I pile my plate high with food. I moved to one of the unoccupied tables and set my food down. We sit down and I start eating, taking my time and trying to ignore the piercing gaze from Hisoka's golden eyes.

I finish about 10 minutes later and Hisoka leads the way to a door that I assumed was a private room.

'I swear to god if he tries anything I will chop his head off.'

He opens the door and walks in, I follow behind quietly. Then I see an unfamiliar head of long silky black hair. My eyes instantly have stars in them. But then I noticed something that instantly makes my eyes narrow. Pins.

The man turns his head slowly and he notices me. His eyes slightly open in, surprise? Then they narrow and he turns his gaze to a smirking Hisoka.

'Maybe he didn't notice me coming? It would make sense that he's angry, considering his disguise is gone."

I move to sit in the corner and watch as the two have a silent argument. Hisoka seems to end up winning and turns towards me.

"This is Illumi~ you may also know him as Gittarackur. It should be obvious but under no circumstances will you reveal his identity," Hisoka says, staring at me.

I simply wave him off. Then I turn to Illumi.

"Can I see one of your pins?" I simply ask.

Illumi throws one towards my face, which I catch and examine.

I slightly smile, "May I keep this?" I ask looking up.

He simply nods. I stand and open my messenger bag, plopping the needle in the same pocket as Hisoka's card. I take the card out and turn to Hisoka.

"May I also keep this?"

He simply smirks, "Sure little bear, but I can't imagine why~"

I put the card back and remove my messenger bag from my shoulder. I turn away from the two guys and set it down in the corner, then remove my hoodie. I sense a spike in blood lust and turn my body to glare at Hisoka.

"Control yourself."


'Men. It's only a black tank top and shorts. Control yourself. Jeez.'

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