The End!

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After she healed Killuas hands she passed out for twelve hours. When she awoke she was once again with the troupe with a note in her bag from Hisoka.

The note explained the outcome, with lots of flirting and a promise to one day fight and kill her. She simply chuckled and folded the note, keeping it with her.

She went to the city of love and met up with motorcycle girl and they had fun. She gifted the girl with a leave card and said that she should text her when they got out, leaving her phone number.

She helped the troupe get the nen remover to Chrollo and bid her fair well, telling them her plans of pursuing a less death filled life to protect what she loved and learn more.

When she got out of the game she became close friends with and soon started dating the motorcycle girl, gerica was jealous at first but soon warmed up to the girl. They all were very happy in the relationship.

She went after her passion and soon became both a Botanical hunter and Poacher hunter, along with a few assassination jobs here and there as Little Bear.

She eventually lost at the arena, deciding to give it up as to focus more on her new goal in life and moved the kitties to the island.

She continued her life, exploring new things and making new friends and family members. She kept in contact with Illumi and was invited to his wedding when he eventually did settle down. His wife was the gorgeous and curvy woman she had met and helped that one night at the nen club.

Chrollo and her still chatted often and she often went to hang out with the troupe if they were near by. She spent time with them and kept sparring with feitan along with teasing him. She did eventually manage to give her forehead kiss AND cheek kiss to him without him beheading her.

Hisoka. Well he was Hisoka, she eventually did enjoy her time with him and often played games with him, challenging him to find her. They had lot of fun and she ended up adding him to her family. He accepted of course, and Sam was very playful with him, often teasing him about how Mari had managed to break down the walls of not one but two extremely fickle transmuters.

She watched as Gon and Killua grew up and often called them both to check up on them and to make sure they were staying safe.

She never did have any kids, enjoying the life she had in the jungle when her two lovely girlfriends decided to move in with her. She made sure the island had a port for them to go to the mainland and telling them they were free to come and go.

She never did have any kids, well she never birthed any. But she did adopt two lovely little children who were also from dangerous situations such as hers. She raised them to be loving and when they went off to the hunter exam she couldn't have even prouder.

When Pawā died, it was truly sad.

All of her family members along with her friends and even the Zoldycks showed up for the burial of him on his island.

All of his wealth and assets went to her, and she officially made the island of her childhood a nature reserve, making sure none of the plants or animals would be harmed anytime in the future.

She lived a long long life, and eventually, Hisoka got the fight he wanted. He didn't kill her, and she was plenty happy that he decided not to. She also teased him about that, often showing him the note he had made all those years ago while in the game of Greed Island.

And she was happy. She lived through life, achieved her goals, had a family who she loved and could count on along with many great friends.

And when she died of ripe old age, her will gave her children the island, and split her fortune between her lovers, family, and friends.

And that, is the end of the lovely story of Kumari. A girl who came from a really crappy place, but decided she would grow from it and make her own family.

And her funeral was filled with many tears and many hugs. Everyone she loved had shown up, and everyone she had impacted showed up. Pauline had brought the kitties of the cat cafe and sobbed over her casket for hours, only to be comforted by Hisoka.

~The End~

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