Big Sis Breaks Down

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I see Killua and walk over.

"Heya Killua!" I say as I smell a hint of iron in the air surrounding him, "Why do you smell of blood?"

He looks over at me in surprise.

"I washed it off yesterday, how can you still smell it?" He asks, sending me a puzzled look.

"I have better senses than your average person. Not to mention I'm used to smelling this clean air and then being hit with the smell of iron as I get closer to you could send off some red flags. So, what happened?" I ask.

'Not to mention I'm used to the smell of it.'

He explains about the game and how he got frustrated so he took it out on some guy walking down the hall. He showed me his claw hand and explained that he was raised to be an assassin.

'Zoldycks huh. Tough life.'

I quickly pulled him into a hug and gently pat his head. He tenses up at first but then slowly wraps his arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry you had to be raised in a family like that. I've heard rumors about what you have to go through in such a family. That it's more of a business than a family," I flash back to my first meeting with Zeno, "Would you mind if I became your big sister? To show you what you should have had in a family?" I ask quietly, still holding him close and stroking his hair.

"Sure big sis," I hear him quietly mumble. I smile brightly and kiss the top of his head. I notice Gon walking towards us.

I gently let go of Killua and turn him to see Gon. He smiles and we walk to meet Gon in the middle. The two catch up and I hear that Gon made the chairman use his other hand in a game. I gently smile.

'So Killua is Zeno's grandson. I'll have to make sure he turns out like his grandpa.'

We get out onto a tall tower and the bean explains that we have 72 hours to get to the bottom of trick tower.

'In that case I need to call Toto and make sure he doesn't try to follow me inside.'

I walk over to the least inhabited part of the tower and let out a loud whistle.

Toto comes soaring up and lands on the top of the tower.

I walk closer to him and he settles down. I go up to his ear and start to whisper to him.

Even though he doesn't understand the words I'm speaking, I still like talking to him. Plus, even if he doesn't understand my language, he understands my intentions.

"I have to go into this tower and I won't be out for around 3 days. Stay hidden and don't try to follow me. I'll call for you when I get out of the tower and you can come check up on me okay?"

He lightly growls but stands up and walks to the edge of the tower and drops down.

"Thanks Toto," I whisper as I watch the creature disappear from sight.

I turn around and start to jog over to where my friends are looking at the tiles.

"Gon! Killua-" I say before dropping through on of the tiles.

"Shit." I say as I land on my feet.

I look around the room and notice a familiar face of pins.

"Mr. Pin-man, how nice it is to see you here," I say as I walk over to where he's standing.

He simply points to the stand and I read the inscription above it as I grab the timer and put it on.

'The two that land in this chamber must protect each other from dangers as they make their way down. You may not do anything to protect yourself. Three strikes and you're out.'

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