A Night Out With A Psycho, Two Assassins, And A Stripper

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"Sure, Illumi you gonna join us?"

He simply nods.

I get up and remove the white T-shirt that covered my black sports bra and shorts. I grab a random large hoodie and zip it up partially, showing off my chest slightly.

I turn around the everyone and see everyone looking at me with different expressions.

Hisoka. Always perverted.

Illumi. Always emotionless.

Gerica. Bedroom eyes.

I smile and wave for them to join me.

Gerica hops over and settles herself with my arm around her. The two guys follow.

Once we are on the street I lower my hood a bit more, making sure to cover my eyes.

We arrive at a run down looking place and walk in. I walk up to the restaurant owner and whisper the key phrase.

He nods and I go towards the door near the back.

We push it open and walk down the stairs. As we walk further down we start to hear the loud noise and cheering.

"Good to finally be back."

We finally come upon the boxing ring with two big buff guys fighting.

I walk straight up to the referee on the outskirts and the others go sit.

"Hello~ Little Bear would like to participate in a match."

The referee looks over at me and recognition flashes across his face.

"Welcome back. I'll have you fight whoever wins this match."

I nod and join my friends sitting.

I can't keep the excited smile off my face.

Once the match ends I'm called up.

"Welcoming back to the ring, Little Bear. The champion before she left."

I shrug the hoodie off and slide through the ropes.

The crowd is roaring. I feel the bliss of finally being back here.

"She will be facing the new champion, who has only lost 3 times despite his many matches. She has lost 5 but has done three times as many matches. Are the fighters ready?"

I stretch and smile, nodding.

The big guy smiles, his front tooth have a missing piece.

He nods and we get into position.

"Rules are the same as always. Hold down your opponent for 10 seconds and you win. Kill your opponent and you win. No weapons are allowed. Begin!"

I start bouncing, and soon the guy charges.


I jump up, landing on his shoulder with one hand.

"Hello big boy."

I chop the back of his neck, not enough to knock him out but enough to put him in a slight daze.

I land and turn to look at the man.

I smile and start to twirl, flipping so I'm twirling in a handstand, kicking the man multiple times. I flip up and land a solid tap to his nose, not enough force to break it.

I jump and sit on the rope.

'Ugh, now I remember why I left. This place has too many weak people. Wonder when he's going to snap out of it. I'll just end it now.'

Hyper Little Bear •HxH•Where stories live. Discover now