A Lost Friend And Brother

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We all hop down, me more frantically than the others as I let down my Zetsu and listen for the sound of tires, cold determination filling my veins.

'No one, not even those I'm protecting, takes away my family.'

I turn around and glare at the members left, all sitting idly and talking about what to do.

"Hurry up. I can follow them with the sound of their vehicle. Now."

I don't ask. I command. And as I do, I jump out of the crater and start running after Kurapika.

'What a pain.'

I hear their vehicle come up beside me and I lightly jump on top, watching as we approach the car with my family in it. I barely blink, instead staring and planning on how I should do this.

'I shouldn't kill him. But if I let him live then he will most likely bother the spiders again.'

My shoulders and jaw tense, I watch Machi's needle fall from the window.

'Shit, I have to hide my face!'

I grab a skin tight mask, slipping it over my face and hair, the loose bun pressing against the back of my head as the dark skin tight mask covers every trace of skin on my face and neck, only leaving holes for my eyes and to breathe.

Suddenly I see a new person who lands on top of the car hood and I jump, barely missing the large cloth that's thrown over our car.

I land, instantly darting my eyes to the other members that had managed to get out of the car.

'Everyone except Nobunaga, how funny. I'm sure we're going to hear about this later.'

I turn to the skinny man with big bug eyes hidden by sunglasses who holds a furiously shaking cloth bag.

'He doesn't look that strong. Guess you can never judge a book by its cover.'

He says something about staying on guard and I roll my eyes. The others go on about his ability and I turn to where Uvo is being taken.

"Rrrrrr," I growl in annoyance.

Before I can chase after them a guy lands in front of me. I glare at him, becoming impatient and angry with how this is playing out.

Feitan says he'll take three and the other girl will take the last one.

'So we can kill them. Perfect.'

"Move. Or die."

The man doesn't budge and my scowl deepens as I let more of my Nen slip out and sharpen my claws. I can still hear the cars tires, but it's getting further and further away and I can't see the car anymore.

I turn to the man and quickly slice his throat. He drops, dead.

"So much for the fucking shadow beasts. Cocky shits," I say, turning to the other troupe members and the newly freed Nobunaga.

After shouting for a few seconds Nobunaga calms down and I walk over to them, irritation in all my features.

"What now."

They turn to me, Feitan walking to open door and telling Nobunaga not to kill the man. I grow more irritated as I hope on top of the car, the others piling in and Nobunaga joining me on the roof, not wanting to be squished into that car ever again.

We ride back to the base, much to my annoyance, and I hop off the car. I walk into the big room, plop down next to Chrollo and fume in silence.

'I can't believe torturing some dick to find the treasure is more important than rescuing Uvo. I can't go alone because I'll have no one to hide me from Kurapika,' I growl in annoyance, and though I returned to Zetsu on the car ride home, my Nen is quietly fluctuating within.

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