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As I fall I keep my arms spread out; closing my eyes as the wind hits my face and rushes past my ears. I take in a deep breath, counting the seconds in my head before I snap my eyes wide open: pulling out my wings and catching the air just before I could hit the ground and soar upwards into the sky.

I take in heavy breaths as I put as much force I could; pumping my wings up and down. I smiled with delight as I whiz past the side of the building I had fallen off of and cheered with delight as I fly higher.

I closed my eyes as I hummed happily to myself loving the wind hitting my face and blowing my long hair away from my face. I did some little spins and few other tricks I had taught myself when I was younger.

As I continued to fly I looked down at the busy streets below me. I sighed, soaring from side to side. "Man..who knew this could get so boring.." I grumbled to myself as I continued to fly as high as could; flying through clouds and flying after those annoying black birds.

I closed my eyes for a moment and took in a deep breath. I still couldn't get the images of Amy out of my head. How frightened she looked when the toxic name Footclan came into the conversation.

I'll be damned to let anyone hurt her. She my only friend that I have in my life. Yes she doesn't know about me being a mutant and all; but at least I have a friend.

What if they Footclan get me? My eyes widened just at the thought of it. Being locked up again and tortured would definitely kill me. The horrific memories of my life flashed before my eyes.

At night I can still feel how the needles would be shoved into my skin, or the hard slaps to my face. The harsh cruel words rebounded in my head making my eyes water.

I shake my head in dismay as I felt my stomach grow into knots as my father popped in my head. He didn't deserve to die.. In fact really nobody deserves death.

Shredder and the Footclan deserve death. They deserve to be stepped on and tortured just how they did to all those innocent citizens of New York City.

I take in a deep breath, closing my eyes for a moment before I'm cut off by a wail of a woman. My eyes widened as I hear the woman scream again. Don't do this Katelyn..you can't get noticed...

I squeezed my eyes shut as I forced myself to ignore it. I clenched my jaw, shaking my head repeatedly. You're flying to clear your head. Don't risk it! I shouted to myself as I hear the woman shout once again.

"For fuck sakes! This better be quick!" I snarled as I quickly spun around in the direction I was flying in and swooped down.

"Let go!" I hear the woman cry out again. As I got closer I could hint out that it was an elderly woman. I cut through the sky like a blade. Where is she? Where is she?

I catch the quick scent of her before catching her in my sights. I clenched my jaw as I see the ugly young punk who was trying to rob the poor woman.

I quickly swooped down into another alley before running out. Ok Katelyn... lets do this... I told myself over and over again.

As I enter the alleyway I take a good look at this punk. I snorted in disgust, so fucking disgusting.. I let out a dry laugh. "Isn't this pathetic. A little crack head picking on an elderly woman. Didn't your meth mom teach you anything?" I seethed as the guy spun around to glare at me.

"Get lost; or I'll make you my next Bitch." He spat as my eyes widened to see the glint of something bright in the shadows. Great he just has to have a knife...

"Leave the woman alone. Give her back the purse." I spat acidly as he laughed, shoving the old woman to the ground. "What are you going to do about it?!" He snarled as I felt my blood boil as I clenched my jaw into fists.

"I'll break you're bones." I sneered as I take full charge at him. He laughed, trying to throw a punch at me before I jumped to the side before socking him in the gut sending him flying.

"You crazy bitch!" He screamed as he got up from being thrown into three large broken garbage cans. I quickly rushed over to the elderly woman. "You need to go." I informed as I helped her up before she tried to her best to get out of there as soon as possible.

While being side tracked the perv grabbed me, shoving me against the wall. "You made a terrible-" I cut him off as I kneed him in the balls before grabbing his head and bashing it to my knee.

He wailed in pain before he tried to swipe me with his blade. I snarled as he sliced my leg. I grabbed his arm, twisting it around before snapping his wrist.

"YOU BITCH!" He cried out as I shoved him backwards. He coughed, letting out a faint laugh. "You got moves, I'll give you that." He spat as he charged at me again. This time he managed to hit a blow to my stomach and a sharp kick to the chest.

I wheezed, taking in a deep breath as I punched him right across the face before charging towards him. He tried to throw another punch which I blocked and took my next hit which dropped his ass to the ground.

I let of a heavy pant, swiping my nose which was bleeding using the back of my hand. "Don't mess with a woman asshole." I spat as I grabbed the woman's blue purse and made sure everything was inside before taking flight once again.

I kept a low profile as I tried to find the lady. Where could she- I paused, sighing in relief as I catch the woman in my sights. I swoop down as close as I could before dropping the purse right in her grasp before soaring as fast as I could back into the sky.

I winched as I hunched over to grasp at my leg that was bleeding severely. I didn't even notice the cut on my side and the one at my cheek.

My body ached as I forced my wings to pump faster. Come on Katelyn you're almost home! I let out a cry of relief as I catch my sights on the crummy rooftop of my apartment.

I let out a cry of pain as I tuck in my wings and crash onto the roof. My body screamed in agony as I forced my wings to tuck into my back. I groaned, closing my eyes and I dragged myself for some coverage due to the harsh sun before passing out.

Secrecies in the dark :TMNT 2014:Where stories live. Discover now