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I wake up bright and early and gather everything I needed to show Thompson. I shoved everything in my bag, including my laptop, camera and tapes.

I had stayed up all night, looking at all the reported crimes, looking through all my fathers notes and gathering up the information of the turtles. They have to be believe me now! They have to!

I worked down a swallow as I take flight to the Channel 6 building. Thankfully Thompson had agreed to meet with me, granted it's early in the morning-maybe too early. But, there was no way I was going to wait or sleep on this. I have to show her this now.

I get into her office, rolling in the white boards as I began to paste the pictures and events on the board and quickly scribbling down notes. I was a panting and nervous mess. This is it, this it finally it!

"Okay Katelyn, what was so important that I had to get here?" Thompson asked as she rushed into the office. "Okay, you ready?" I asked her, as she nodded in reply.

"Okay, you know how I saw the vigilante?"


"But I had no proof. No photos, no videos or whatever and I just sounded crazy?"


"Okay but I saw him, well I didn't see just see him. I saw them because there is four. There's not just one. There's four. And was standing this close to them just as I am standing with you right now." I explained as her jaw dropped in shock.

"What did they look like?"

"They looked like this." I said as I pointed to the image of the red eared slider turtle. "Like turtles?" She asked me as I nodded.

"Yes, well no. They don't look like turtles. But they are turtle. It's hard to explain but they're over six feet tall and they speak fluent English." I explained as she stared at me with wide eyes.

"Look I have pictures here see!" I rambled as I pulled out my phone to show her. "See, this is how they look like!" I added on as she looked at my screen.

"Last night the FootClan attacked the subway station. I was held hostage there and these turtles went in, attacking these soldiers like it was nothing! They're huge, bigger than me and are super strong." I rambled out as I take in a deep breath.

"I know this sounds crazy, I know. But, I'm telling you the truth." I added on as I looked around through a pile of notes I had spread out on the table.

"Oh my god Katelyn." She said in defeat as my eyes widened. She doesn't believe me. "I was awake all night, please look. I was awake all last night." I said in between deep breaths as I ran to the white board.

"I was googling all the reported FootClan crimes for the past three months and this symbol. The same symbol I had seen at the docks appeared at every single one." I explained as I pointed to all the images of where the spray painted symbol was found at each crime.

"Look, everything single one of them. This one look, here, here, here. It's an ancient Japanese symbol that means family!"

"Oh my god..." Thompson sighed out, rubbing her temples. "This same symbol was found in my father's lab notes from the Sacks Industry laboratory back in 1999. See?"
I explained as I showed her the specific page in the notebook.

"I can't believe you brought me up here to do this." She said with a faint laugh as I scrambled to grab my laptop.

"Please, you have to understand what I'm telling you. I know it doesn't make sense but this is all true!" I cried out as quickly opened my laptop and logged in to access the videos.

Secrecies in the dark :TMNT 2014:Where stories live. Discover now