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Everyone left me alone for the time after Optimus told the others to process the energon. Bumblebee found Raff and they both let me settle down for a minute before talking with me.

"Wait, so what your saying is you were captured, but your ok with that?" Raff asked. Bee tilted his helm to one side and beeped. I sighed and sunk farther onto the couch.

"Yeah, my life was kinda crap already so I don't really mind living with them. They didn't hurt me, well besides the injections but they don't seem to do anything. They're kinda like a family to me now, even Screamer. " I giggled as I imagined him ranting in the med bay about the lack of respect the troops showed to their "obvious superior".

"What about Megatron? He doesn't threaten you or hurt you? " Raff asked in concern as he sat on the floor with his laptop and Bee at the railing nearby.

I smiled and shook my head, "When no ones looking he's really nice, just in a quiet way. " I thought back to sometimes he would catch me if I fell while dancing, or how I caught him keeping an eye on me every now and then when I was around the rest of the troops. I sighed and rolled off the couch onto the floor with a quiet thump, turning my head towards the two. "I miss them... I wanna go home, can I go home Bee? Pleeeaaasseee? " I pouted and stuck out my lip.

His wings dropped as he beeped and waved his hands around. Raff shook his head, "Bee said Optimus wants you here so you'll be safe, he doesn't trust you with the Decepticons" I huffed and blew some hair out of my eyes. I hate this. The one time that I actually feel loved and safe and they come along and sweep me off to this dusty crusty prison. This honestly feels more like a kidnapping than when Knockout just picked me up and walked off like I was some spare change he found on he sidewalk.

I groaned and rolled onto my face, "I've lasted this long.... " I pulled the blanket off the couch and over my back and head, drowning in my own self pity. Raff scooted closer and pat my back comfortingly. "Sorry, but it's better if your here with us" I shot a glare at the child from under the edge of the blanket.

---------Soundwave POV----------

I was watching the monitor as I updated the nemesis logs and searched for anymore evidence of new energon veins when Knockout requested an immediate ground bridge. I sighed internally as I pulled up his coordinates and opened a bridge. There was a green flash of light and the red vehicle sped into the room, skidding to a across the floor as he tried to transform and stop at he same time. Knockout ran over to me and I took a step back.

He grabbed my arm and shook me with a hysterical expression while shouting, "They took her!! They took Brynn and escaped! You have to find them"

I tilted my helm and with one arm I pushed him off me, he stumbled and caught himself before walked back to my station. I used one of my extensions to connect directly to the ships systems and started tracing the Autobots while the red medic ran off to tell our leader.

--------Brynn POV--------

Back at the base, the alarm went off and Ratchet called the others to the main room. "I've detected new Decepticon activity a few states over. Looks like they opened a new energon vein." Ratchet said.

"Bee, Arcee and Bulkhead, roll out. This is a recon mission. Infiltrate and report. Do not engage until necessary." Optimus ordered. I looked up from my spot in the corner, I didn't want to talk to the dynamic duo anymore and wanted to be out of the way of the other bots. This is my chance! I snuck around the Autobots and to the edge of the ground bridge. When Ratchet opened it, I ran through first, landing on hard stone and dirt. A cloud of dust came up around me and I looked around before running to hide behind some rocks, out of the Autobots sight when they came through. I watched them look around and I took a moment to take in my suroundings.

From what I could see, we seemed to be in the far corner of a brand new mine. I saw energon crystals in the walls all around us and began sneaking closer to the main cavern, careful to stay in the shadows so I wouldn't be seen. I got far enough that I could see the vehicons powering on drills to begin drilling. I'm so close, we're almost there! I bit my lip and tucked my hair behind my ear, watching closely for any of the cons I knew.

I heard the voices of the vehicons as they worked and I came closer. I ducked at the sound of heavy ped steps and watched as Starscream walked among them, giving out orders. I watched as he stopped for a moment and lifted a digit to answer his com, the next second he was yelling into it while the vehicons scurried out of the way from his swinging claws. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S GONE?! How could you lose the human to an Autobot?! You can't go on a simple scouting mission without something happening, can you Knockout? " Starscream stomped around, yelling at who I assume would be Knockout on the other line. I took a deep breath, watching him a moment longer before I looked back to see the Autobots getting closer.

I looked between Screamer and the bots for a moment more, debating my options. I could just go for it and take my chances, but if I do they may see and catch me again before I get to him... Groaning quietly in annoyance, I covered my mouth and tried not to make anymore sounds before darting out from my hiding space and running towards Starscream. Just as I was a few yards from him, I tripped on a stone and squeaked, gravity getting the best of me as my world tilted forward and I fell over. My knees landing on the stones, making small tears in my jeans and cutting my skin. Starscream turned to look at me in confusion, it took him a second before he yelled, running over to pick me up.  OMG he's so loud! They're going to hear him! I waved my hands frantically as I panicked, "Wait, no they're here! The Autobots!" I whisper shouted. He stopped and looked around before quickly picking me up in his long metal claws and surveying the area.

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