Florida Day 2, Liv's experience

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Me, London, and Justin decided to go to late breakfast just to catch up on girl talk.

I looked around at all the jeans I had on the floor feeling defeated. Nothing was trying to fit me and I was sick of it, I was in the gym none stop so I know I sweated a few pounds off. Or at least I thought. I went into the closet grabbing a tube dress that I know could fit me.

I was running on four hours of sleep dealing with Trey and my website. I never knew how much he talked until we were away from each other. The guys took him to the bar but even then we were still on the phone. Lord knows I wasn't complaining I just needed him to go without me for a bit. You know, have guy fun.

My website was booming and trying to manage packaging and shipping was some crazy shit. Some shit I'll have to hire help for.

My phone went off making me look down seeing that it was a call from my mom. "Hey mama." I smiled as if she could see me. "Hey baby, how are you doing?" "I'm doing good, I'm meeting up with Justin and London today." I grabbed my wallet and keys leaving out the house. "Oh that's good, did you see Trey's performance last night?" I laughed shaking my head. "Yes ma I did, please don't start." "Don't start what?"

"Getting emotional which makes me emotional. I loved the performance ma." We giggled. "Well baby I had a dream about fish last night so I think it's either you or London." I pulled up to a red light looking at the phone crazy. "Ma I know we been trying but it's too soon don't you think? It's probably London." "Yeah, probably but do me a favor and take a pregnancy test for me. I'm just ready to be a grandma that's all." "Yes ma'am." I nervously laughed pulling up to the restaurant. "Okay. Well I love you and tell London to take one too." "I love you too."

I disconnected the call getting out of the car. I knew a baby was on the agenda but I didn't think about it happening this quick. My jeans weren't fitting and I wasn't really keeping anything down. I kept that hidden for long enough but it was getting hard. I never experienced pregnancy so any "pregnant signals" I chunked it up to not feeling well.

I seen them both sitting outside underneath the huge umbrella making me smile and wave.

"Girrrl! Look at this dress!" I smiled doing a three-sixty before hugging their necks. "Yes! This was all I could fit." I sat down in the chair putting my purse in the seat next to me. "Oh girl." Justin motioned his finger up and down my body like I had the cooties. "What?" "Bitch don't what me, you pregnant!" I looked over at London who fastly nodded her head making me huff and laugh.

"And what brings you to this conclusion other than my jeans are getting tight? You and my mama tripping. Me and Trey only been working on a baby two weeks now." I flipped my hair getting a little annoyed. It couldn't be this quick, catch me next month or something. "Then you got the pregnant lady attitude." London said making me laugh. "I'm sorry y'all, it's just crazy you know? But I don't think I'm pregnant now, I just think it's me buying into the pregnancy stereotype." I shrugged. It's all in your head; you could be as healthy as a horse but if a doctor tells you you're sick you're gonna start thinking yourself into that sickness. First it starts with a google search next thing you know you're down a deep heel.

"But mom did say you need to take a pregnancy test too." I handed the menu back after ordering. "Pssh! I'm good girl, Trey's been dropping little kids off in you. Me and Drake aren't even thinking about kids." "I bet." I smacked my lips. "If you're not pregnant just take the test to shut us all up." Justin shrugged. "Maybe. I. Will."

The idea of having a little baby wrapped in my arms was amazing, it's just the whole carrying it thing. I knew the delivery was gonna be hell, I was a baby when it came to anything painful.

"Your drinks." The waiter sat the drinks on the table before leaving. "Enough about your assumptions on me, how are y'all doing?" "Well me and Dee are looking for a place to stay together."

"That's great!" I smiled truly happy for him. "So he worked out the baby mama drama." "Chile yes, finally. She was against it naturally but a few sit downs helped. I'm not gonna lie, I was a little shook. I didn't need her taking the kids away then I'll feel bad. I'm meeting the kids next month." He nervously smiled making London laugh. "If my bae or boo ever cheated on me, especially with a man he wouldn't have a dick. And you wouldn't be breathing." Justin looked her up and down offended. "People can't help who they love Ms. Homophob."

"I'm sorry but I gotta cut in and side with my sister Justin. If I found out Trey was sleeping around? Especially with a dude? Bitchhhh! I wouldn't even wanna see that side of me." I laughed it off because I knew I was fifty shades of fucking crazy. "Plus stop throwing the homo word around so much please. Y'all are the most sensitive crowd of people I've ever met." He smacked his lips waving me off. "We got as much rights as y'all."

"And when did I ever say you didn't? I'm just saying gay is being too much now. We're putting it everywhere but can't get a decent textbook in schools about the truth on black history." "PREACH!" London said making us laugh. "I love gay people period, they're fucking amazing. But some of y'all I can go without." He laughed because he knew it was true.

"Now onto a lighter note, what have you and Drake been up to?" She smiled laughing a little. "We've been great, we've been visiting his relatives and everyone seems to love me." "Well that's good, it's nice to have the family there." I remembered just being introduced to Trey's grandmother and mother as just a friend and I was nervous then. But I had it in my head to make a good impression because one day we might be family and I was right.

"Look! The food!" I smiled doing a little dance in my seat. "Oh yeah, you're definitely pregnant." They both laughed making me cut my smile short.

Little update for those late nighters, hope you enjoyed.


Excuse mistakes..

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