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namjoon was waiting for taehyung to come downstairs and eat his breakfast, because his hyung basically told him to take care of him, or maybe he might have slept in the bathroom.  "Whats taking that kid so long" his hyung said impatiently,  his hard work in his food was getting cold. since namjoon finished his food and all he's just going to do is to basically wait the hell of his brother, multiple of knocks and shouting, his patience became empty, his feet ready to kick the door  "WHATS TAKING YOU SO LONG BIT–" namjoons feet was in the air, ready to kick it but then the door opened, revealing a tedious taehyung who rolled his eyes, crossing his arms

" please don't break the door, you've ruined my door for the thirteenth time" namjoon rolled his eyes, " not my fault your taking too long " taehyung giggled "ok ok lets go downstairs and let me eat" namjoon turned his frown upside down and nodded. they went downstairs and took his breakfast. taehyung finished his food and waved a goodbye with namjoon.

jimin was all alone in a random classroom, reading ' lawyers article 101 ' since his parents expected him to be a defender in the future, but something was blocking from the way. someone interupted his privacy, he immediately put the book and zipped his bag. "Hey why so early" a familiar voice was heard; "Oh it just you hoe" "The one and only brother of his" jimin rolled his eyes but Jungkook giggled "whats up?" "Well you know i heard those girls talking in the locker about the new transfer student "

" trying to seduce them? " jimin laughed, while jungkook crossed his arms  angrily "Hmph!" "Im just joking by the way change topic, do you know anything about the new transfer students" "Tsk jimin control your hormones with the new students or your ass will get fucked up if the school knows about this mr. ass guy" Jimin took a paper, scrambled it and throwed it into Jungkooks face, he whined, rolling his eyes, " they won't care, one money from me and things will act as if nothing happened " jungkook rolled his eyes, " fuck you " "i told you, your dirty mouth mister" both of them giggled.

school started, taehyung and namjoon already arrived minutes ago, it was their first period, jimin walks to the first class and entered, sighing. "welcome class our first class but before that we will have a new student joining us" ms.falls told. then someone entered the classroom slowly, an unfamiliar face entered the class and stood up infront of the class, student stared the unfamiliar tall male, while the others gossiping.

" um hello everyone my name is kim namjoon but you can call me namjoon, im twenty three years old thats all" he smiled "why thank you mister namjoon you may take a seat beside our bachelor, at the second row, park jimin" namjoon nodded and sat beside at the so called bachelor.  " hey " Jimin looked at the handsome student beside him "Um..hey.." Namjoon said nervously " Cute " Jimin giggled "Uh thank you?" he spoke "park jimin right..?" Jimin nodded " the one and only jiminie" namjoon giggled at the nickname" you can call me daddy if you want~" jimin whispered into namjoons ears " quit it " namjoon punched jimins arms, he giggled 'what an interesting thing..'

first period was done and will be going to be their second period later, " stop touching me you pervert! " taehyung with a huff, but jungkook replied a giggle " hyung help me!" taehyung ran into Namjoon and hugged him tightly "whats wrong" " that pervert was teasing me" "ok ok I give up, I apologize if I'm flirting with your boyfriend–" "im not his boyfriend, im his cousin" his eyes widened and gaved him a big smirk "  brother we should have run" taehyung whispered "well i think you two are perfect" "no brother quit it " taehyung huffed "ok in that case you can have him but dont do anything to him or i can break you"

jungkook nodded and scooped him, dragging him like a a baby he was.  " nooo~ help me~" taehyung tried to continue but jungkook  covered his mouth "Now now baby, shut that pretty mouth of yours or I'll shove it with something bigger " " DID YOU EVEN HEARD WHAT MY COUSIN SAID, HE'LL BREAK YOU" his betrayal cousin giggled, jungkook walked away while dragging taehyung in front of people in the hall,  namjoon sighed, shoo
king his head with a smile until he felt someone wrapping its arms around his waist,

Namjoon looked at his back to see jimin wrapping his arms around his waist, " stop it dont wrap me like were a couple" namjoon scold with a tint of blush, " then i'll make you mine" " stop it we just met Jiminie " "What did i just heard?" Namjoon was already in a full tomato, luckily the bell rang meaning second period has started.

I hope you guys enjoyed, so I changed this cringe chapter to different, but same plot. anyways please keep continuing to read this story and look up to the future events! it's like uninteresting chapter but others are legibly in a different plot twist


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  - вíg (♥ó㉨ò)ノ 💜

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