Take off your clothes

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I woke up and see Adora's arm around me as my tail was around her waist.


I got up and put my arms around my legs. I turn to look Adora sleeping quietly. As her hair was now down with a strain on her face. She looked helpless and determined at the same time. As her legs were together laid down. Her arm still on my waist. Her calm breathing.

"Take a picture it will last longer," she said with her eyes closed as she moved herself to sit.

"Like I want a picture of you," I tell her.

"Alright now to search."

"I swear if you say for a way out I'm going to attack you," I threatened.

"I was going to say food you idiot but now that you said that we should look for a way out," she said.

I attacked her.

"You can't just do things that make me mad!"

She attacked.

"Well you can't just threaten people!"

We were just fighting till we got tired and took a break.

"I hate you.." I told her.

"So do I.."

We started to walk as we came across a deer.

"Can I now do what I planned last time before you screamed?" I said in a sarcastic voice.

"Go ahead I don't have my sword here so do your job while I set up the fire," she said.

"Finally you said something good this whole time," I told her.

She glared at me and went to set a fire.

I looked at the deer as I went into a attacking position. I was waiting for the right time and moment. The deer was eating some grass as my eyes were on it.

That's when I leaped our from the bushes and attacked it. As my claws went on it and I killed it. I carried it as it was so heavy to see a fire made. A huge one actually it felt so warm and nice.

"You know how to make a good fire," I told her as I pleased the deer to the ground.

"Shut up," she groaned as she carried to deer and hanged it to the fire.

"Why are you so mad?" I said as she no position to be in.

"I'm not mad," she said.

"Yeah right"

"I'm just annoyed"

"How do I annoy you!?"

"My reasons"


How can she be so full of herself. I should be angry. I'm the one she betrayed. Left behind to rot.

Adora was now heating the deer as she cut some pieces with the sticks and passed me a piece of the deer.

"Eat up," She said.

We ate the deer in silence. None of us had nothing to say and I wasn't going to say anything that was for sure. The deer tasted really good it was hot and good as it was a little raw at the same time. But I didn't care. At least I was eating. I look to Adora who's eating with her close as she was imagining something. I shrugged it off and try to have something else on my mind.

After we were done I stretched my arms.

"Let's go" Adora said as she got up.


"There.." she pointed at the water ahead of us.


She rolled her eyes and grabbed my wrist as she dragged me there.

"Catra take off your clothes"

"W-What?!" My ears flinched as I heard those words.

I felt my face get red as I was backing away.

"Not like that! We have to take a bath we stink!"

"No way!" I said as I was back to my senses.

"Catrrraaaaa" she groaned.

"There's no soap!" I said feeling relieved.

"So what the water is clean and fresh it could help take the stink out a little," she said.

I backed away as she came closer.


"B-back away!"

"You have to get in the water" she said slowly coming towards me as I was backing away.

"No! No I do not! So stop coming towards me!"

I ran from her as she ran after me.

"Catra get back here!"

I was running and running till it was quiet. I turn around to see Adora not there.

"What?! Where she go?!" I said looking around.

My ears were trying to hear as my nose tried to smell her.

I did not want to go into the water. Not. At. All.

"Adora come out I know your here!" I shouted.

"Your right about that," she said as she pushed me to the side as my head turned to see the WATER RIGHT THERE!

I grabbed Adora's wrist as I pushed her in as we were both falling. We hit the water with a loud splash.

"Why did you drag me in!?" Adora yelled.

"What!? You pushed me in I have a right to drag you in!" I yelled.

We didn't know that we were close as our foreheads were touching and our eyes were locked to each other. My face starts to feel a little heated as we were both closing our eyes as 1/4 of our eyes were open. We started to lean in as we were now getting closer.

"Are you ladies alright!?"

We both flinched as we backed away.

I turn to see Adora get out of the water and headed to the guy. I got out of the pond as everything was just questioning through my head.

W-were we gonna kiss!? W-we both leaned in! What the heck is going on?! Why am I feeling like this! Remember what she did to you Catra! I look to the side to see Adora and the guy talking. He was a little bit taller than Adora as he had dirty blonde hair with green eyes. They hit it off well as they were now laughing and talking. As Adora laughed he looked at her with a smile as his eyes shined.

They hit if off too well.

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