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This is Catra's Birthday special!



Falling off the bed from the shock of surprise.

"What the fuck Scorpia?!" I yell at her from the floor.

"Sorry, but today is your birthday!" she hugs me.

"Let go of me!" I get out of her grasp.

"Wildcat! Why don't we do something fun for your birthday?" she jumped up and down.

"Scorpia I don't want to do anything and what did I tell you about that nickname," I growled.

"Why? Why don't you want to do anything?" Scorpia pouted.

"My birthday is nothing special alright now go away," I went back to bed.

"Catra don't be like that..."

"How did you even know it was my birthday anyway?" I mumbled.

"I kinda checked your records," she laughed nervously.

I scoffed putting my head on top of the pillow.

"Catra how about-"

"Scorpia, Leave. Go away. I don't want anyone near me."

I waited till I heard footsteps to the door. I raised my head to check if she was gone. I sighed moving my body back to bed trying to sleep.

I can't sleep. After Scorpia's morning attack my eyes are wide open. I swear to god I'm going to look for my records and I'm going to rip it to pieces.

I got out of my bed and walked around the Horde till the balcony caught my eye.

"Happy Birthday Catra!"

"So you don't want your present?"

Stop thinking about her. She left you. She's the enemy.

I look back to see blonde hair. Blonde hair in a ponytail. It catches my eye as I walk towards it.

I swear if it's her she is so dead.

I climb to the balcony to find no one there.

My heads messing with me. Fuck this I'm going back to bed.


I turn around.

"Who's there?" I look around.

"If I let you see me you'll snap," she says.

"No duh you finally used your head for once," I snarled looking for her.

"Can you stop trying to find me, I'm trying to have a conversation with you!" she yells in an annoyed voice.

"Well, I don't want to talk to you! Think about that!" I growl.

I continue to look around till I climb on top of the railing to sniff her out.

"You are just like a cat," she laughs.

"Shut up and come out you coward," I scolded.

"Coward? Wow, that is low, even for you," she teases.

"Aw, you know nothing's too low for me," I smirk crossing my arms.

"Now your gonna say 'Come on, you look stupid hanging there' right?" she mimics me.

"No, I wasn't gonna say that," I started to think.

Could she be hanging? I look up to see if she was there and I saw nothing.

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