Legend of the Gobblewonker

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"Are you ready for the ultimate challenge?" Mabel asked.

"I'm always ready!" Dipper replied.

"Bring it on, sister!" Mara said competitively.

"Then you know what this means...SYRUP RACE!"

The triplets tipped three syrup bottles up into the air directly over their mouths.

"Go Sir Syrup!" cheered Mabel.

"Go Mountie Man!" cheered Dipper.

"Go Maple Pines!" cheered Mara.

Mabel shot her a weird look, and Mara did her best to shrug with her head still tilted upwards.

"Go go go go go go go!"

"Almost...almost...yes!" Mabel said, as the drop of syrup hit her tongue first.

"Yes! I won!" she said between coughs from the syrup.

Dipper was looking at the newspaper while Mabel cheered for her victory and Mara started to drink her syrup directly from the bottle.

"Cool! Hey, Mara, Mabel, check this out!" Dipper shoved the paper in front of Mara and Mabel's faces. Mara put the bottle down to see.

"Whoa! Human-sized hamster balls!" Mabel said.

"The Ultimate Prank kit!" Mara said.

"No, no...this!" Dipper said, pointing to a different section of the newspaper.

It was a contest that offered a $1000 prize to the person who could get a picture of a real-life monster.

"We see weirder stuff than this every day! Hey, we didn't get any pictures of those gnomes, did we?"

"Nope just memories" Mabel said.

"And this cool new scar on my arm!" said Mara, holding out her forearm to her siblings, although it was pretty hard to tell which scar was the new one, since there were scars, burns, and all sorts of other marks all along Mara's arms.

Ever since Mara had started wearing the tool belt she had got from the Mystery Shack Gift shop, she had been building all sorts of things, and each time usually ended with her gaining some new injury. Mara didn't seem to care though.

Just then, Grunkle Stan walked into the kitchen.

"Guess what day it is?" he said cheerfully.

"Uh, Happy Anniversary?" Dipper asked.

"Mazel Tov!" said Mabel.

"Niece Appreciation Day?" Mara asked hopefully.

Grunkle Stan whacked Dipper and Mara with his newspaper.

"It's family fun day, genius. We're cutting off work to have one of those family bonding type things."

"Grunkle Stan, this isn't going to be like the last family fun day, is it?" Dipper asked, remembering how they all had to make counterfeit money.

Mabel shivered. "That County Jail was so cold."

"It's a good thing that I had my explosives with me that time" said Mara with a huge grin on her face.

"Come on, kids!" said Grunkle Stan, putting his arms around the three kids. "I promise this Family Bonding Day will be much more fun than the last one. Now who wants to put on some blindfolds and get into my car!"

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