Time Traveller's Pig

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There were builders outside the Mystery Shack that Stan had hired, who were setting up a very second-rate carnival. Pretty much everything they set up was breaking.

Stan was watching them at work, with Mabel at his side. Mabel had a small pink flower clip in her hair.

"There she is, Mabel, the cheapest carnival that money can rent! I spared every expense."


Someone suddenly started screaming, and the two of them turned to see something crashing down to the ground beside them from the sky.

It was Dipper, in a sky tram cart. He had a terrified expression frozen on his face.

"I think the sky tram is broken" he said. "Also most of my bones."

Stan started laughing at the boy.

"Ha! This guy! Anyways, I've got a job for you two. I printed up a bunch of fake safety inspection certificates. Slap them on anything that looks like a lawsuit."

"Grunkle Stan, is that legal?" asked Mabel worriedly.

"When there's no cops around, anything's legal!" said Stan. "Speaking of which, where's Mara? I haven't seen the little renegade all morning."

"She hasn't left the attic" replied Dipper. "She's 'working on something big today'" Dipper said, quoting her exact words that she had told him and Mabel when they had asked her why she hadn't gone down for breakfast.

"Well, she'd better come out soon. She can't shirk out on work today" said Stan. "If she's still in the attic in the next five minutes, I'm going up there and dragging her out here."

Stan started walking towards Soos.

"Soos! How's that dunk tank coming along?"

Soos was using Mara's welding torch to attach the bullseye to the dunk tank. He lifted the welding mask off of his face.

"Almost ready to go, Mr. Pines" he replied. Stan knocked on the target, and the seat in the dunk tank remained in place.

"Ha! You've got it rigged from here to Timbuktu!" he exclaimed excitedly. "There's nothing on Earth that could knock me down!"

"Yeah, except for like a futuristic laser arm cannon" said Soos.

"Yeah, but the only one who could have that would be Mara" said Stan, now hoping that that wasn't the big project that she was working on.

"Hey, you haven't seen my red screwdriver, have you?" Stan asked as he bent down and looked inside Soos's tool box. "Darn thing went missing."

"Maybe some magical creature or paranormal thing took it" said Soos.

"Oy! You've been spending too much time with those kids" said Stan, as he continued to search through the toolbox.

"Just borrow one from Mara" said Soos.

"That screwdriver was Mara's. She let me borrow it to use for the dunk tank in exchange for one of the Mystery Shack's old lightbulbs." He continued to search through the toolbox.

No one noticed the fat man wearing goggles and a grey tracksuit sneaking around behind the porta-potties. The man held up the red screwdriver that Stan was looking for, then turned on his communication watch.

"The mission is proceeding as planned" he spoke to the watch. "Over."

He then used the screwdriver on his watch to change the appearance of his grey suit. Each time he turned the screwdriver he changed the background on his grey tracksuit, similar to a TV, until he found a setting which blended into his current surroundings. He was now invisible, except for his head.

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