Bottomless Pit!

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Stan was driving Soos, Mabel, Mara, and Dipper in a golf cart. He slammed on the brakes, and yanked the wheel to one side. The golf cart screeched to a halt.

He grinned as the five of them got out of the golf cart and started walking with him.

"In Gravity Falls, there are many pits!" he said, using the same tone that he would use on a group of tourists. He walked over to a sign, and flipped it so that there were now words facing towards them. The sign was labelled "Bottomless Pit."

"But none as bottomless as the bottomless pit!" he continued cheerfully, gesturing towards a large, and extremely deep, hole near the sign.

"Which as you can see here, is bottomless" he added.

Soos and the triplets stood on the edge of the pit, and looked down, seeing that it was so deep that they couldn't see the bottom.

"Question, is it bottomless?" asked Soos.

Stan sighed.

"Kids, could one of you try explaining this to Soos?"

Mara turned towards Soos.

"By, 'bottomless,' he means that this pit's so deep that it has no bottom" said Mara, trying her best to explain it as simply as she could to her slow friend. Unfortunately, it looked like Soos was as confused as ever.

Mara sighed.

"Forget that I said anything."

"Grunkle Stan, why are we here again?" asked Dipper.

Grunkle Stan reached into his jacket pocket.

"To dispose of things that we don't want!" he replied. "So long, Mystery Shack suggestion cards!" He took out several yellow pieces of paper out of his jacket pocket, and threw them over the pit. The papers fell into the bottomless pit.

Mabel took out several pink envelopes and pictures of Gideon, along with a box of chocolates.

"So long creepy love letters from Lil' Gideon!" said Mabel, and she was about to throw them all in, when suddenly Mara grabbed the box of chocolates from her sister.
"What are you doing? You don't throw away perfectly good chocolate!"

Mabel scrunched her nose.

"But it's from Gideon."

"Who cares? It's chocolate all the same."

And Mara opened the box and shoved several pieces of chocolate into her mouth while Mabel threw the rest of the Gideon junk mail into the pit.

"Die, die, die!"

Mara then put down the box of chocolate, and took out her own stalker love letters. All of the envelopes were a pale purple color, and smelled like lavender. Included with the letters was a pink stuffed bear.

"Goodbye, disturbing love letters from Nathaniel!" she said, but before she could throw down her junk, Mabel suddenly grabbed the stuffed bear from her sister.

"What are you doing? How could you be so heartless, throwing out a perfectly good stuffed animal?"

Mara rolled her eyes, knowing it was only fair that Mabel got to take something of hers since she had already taken something from Mabel.

She then threw the rest of the Nathaniel junk into the pit while Mabel was hugging the stuffed bear.

Just then, Soos took off both of his shoes, and threw them, one after the other, into the bottomless pit.

"What are you doing?" asked Dipper.

"Throwing stuff, dude" he replied cheerfully. "Everyone's doing it."

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