The Golf War

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Dipper and Mara were sharing the couch in the TV room watching the television that morning, both of them eating a bowl of cereal while Waddles was on the floor in front of them eating his own bowl of cereal, when Stan suddenly appeared at the open doorway, holding up a pan with a fresh pancake in it.

"Who wants Stancakes?" he said cheerfully. "They're like pancakes, except they've probably got some of my hair in them."

"Pass" said Dipper.
"As tempting as that sounds, I'm gonna have to say no" said Mara.

Suddenly, the front door was swung wide open, and Mabel was standing on the other side, clutching a newspaper in one hand.

"IT'S HERE!!!" she squealed.

She ran into the TV room so excitedly that she shoved right past Stan, causing him to drop the pancake onto his stomach.

"It's here it's here it's here it's here it's here!!!!" she squealed. She jumped up onto the dinosaur head coffee table and got right into Dipper and Mara's faces.

"I've been waiting all morning, and it's finally here!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"What's here?" Mara asked.

"The Gravity Falls gossiper accepted my article about Summer fashion tips for squirrels" said Mabel. "My picture is gonna be in the newspaper!"

She held out the newspaper for her family to see.

"Check it" she said proudly.

Stan leaned against the couch, and read the newspaper title aloud.

"Pacifica Northwest declares v-necks the look of the season" he said. "What am I looking at here?"

Mabel pulled the newspaper back so that she could see it with her own eyes.

"Whoa whoa, WHAT?!" she exclaimed.

Sure enough, there on the cover of the newspaper was a black and white image of a stylish Pacifica Northwest, who was posing confidently for the camera, where Mabel's picture was supposed to be.

"Looks like someone bought their way to the front page" said Dipper.

"And you'd think that after we proved her grandfather was a fraud and put her cousin on house arrest, she'd never want her face to be in the papers again" said Mara.

"Is it legal for a child to wear that much make up?" said Stan.

Mabel groaned, and folded up the newspaper.

"Ugh. Pacifica. She always ruins everything."
"Aw, cheer up, Mabel" said Dipper, putting an arm on his sister's shoulder in a comforting manner. "I mean, no one even reads newspapers anymore."

"Dudes!" someone exclaimed, and everyone turned to see Soos opening the door that connected the gift shop to the TV room.

"V-neck season is upon us!" he announced. "Who wants to help me get ahead of the fashion curve?"

He took out a sharpie, and drew a dotted "W" onto the neck of his t-shirt.

"I'm gonna take it one step further, with the W-neck!"

Soos then took out a pair of scissors, and started to cut the neck of the t-shirt that he was wearing along the dotted line.

"Must follow newspaper."

Mabel sat down sadly at the table, pouring herself a glass of orange juice and swallowing all of it in one gulp.

"I need something to get my mind off this."

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