Society of the Blind Eye

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One dark and mysterious night, Lazy Susan was at her diner, sweeping up the floors one last time before she left for home.

"Dum she dum, locking up" she sang to herself. She turned towards the sink to see several possums on top of the dishes that were soaking in the sink.

"Shoo, possums!" she exclaimed, using the broom to scare the creatures away. "Shoo!"

She then made her way towards the dining area, towards one particular area.

"Get, McGucket, get!" she exclaimed, as she poked the broom underneath the table.

Old Man McGucket came scurrying out of it on all fours as he ran back home to the junkyard.

Lazy Susan shook her head as she exited the diner and locked the door behind her.

"Goodnight, diner" she said cheerfully, as she started to walk home.

"Goodnight tree!" she said as she walked by a tree.

"Goodnight tiny men stealing my pie!" she said as she walked by several gnomes who were standing up on top of each other in an attempt to try and grab a pie that was sitting on the diner's open window sill.

She then froze when she realized what she had just said.
"Wait, what?"

She turned around immediately, and was so surprised at the gnomes that she lifted up her shut eye.

Jeff the gnome was standing apart from the other gnomes as he barked instructions at them.

"Lift with your knees!" he was saying. "Lift with your knees! If I go one more hour without eating, I'm gonna convert to cannibalism."

It was then that the gnomes finally noticed Lazy Susan, standing there watching them in shock.

Jeff tipped his hat off to her and smiled.


She screamed, and started to back up away from the gnomes.

"Little magic men! What does it mean? What do I do?!" she exclaimed, as she backed right up into a payphone.

She stuck a coin into the slot, and dialled a number. She held the phone up to her ear.

"Yes, hi!" she said with a panicked tone. "I'd like to report something!"

She was too distressed to notice some people secretly watching her from the bushes.

"I'm at Greasy's Diner!" she yelled into the phone. "You won't believe what I witnessed."
She didn't see the red cloaked figures secretly approaching her from behind with identical symbols over their hoods of an eye with an X over it. One of them was holding a small brown sack in their hands.

"It's unbelievable! It's indescribable! It's-"

Suddenly, one of the cloaked figures stuck the sack over her head, and the two of them started to lead her away as she screamed.

The two cloaked figures walked right past their leader cloaked figure.

"It is unseen" he said, as he walked along with them. The same eye symbol that was on their cloaks was spray-painted in red on the wall behind him.

The gnomes watched as the three cloaked figures dragged Lazy Susan away.

"Well, back to pie!" said Jeff cheerfully. The gnomes started to walk back towards the forest as if nothing peculiar had happened.

"I was this close to eating you, Steve."

Meanwhile that night, Dipper stuck a picture of a black figure with a question mark over it onto a huge corkboard, and circled the figure with a blue pen.

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