Boss Mabel

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, we now return to: Cash Wheel!"

Stan, Mabel, Mara, and Dipper were watching TV once again. Stan was on the sitting on the couch, while Dipper was sitting on the dinosaur head coffee table. Mabel was sitting on the floor in front of Stan with a box of Chipackerz in her lap that she was feeding to Waddles, and Mara was perched on top of the couch.

"Sponsored by Chipackerz, the chip-flavored crackers!"

Mabel looked at the chipacker that was currently in her hand.

"But they taste just like chips!" she said in amazement, as she took a bite out of it.

On the TV, one of the contestants spun the wheel, and it landed on a spot called 'cash shower.'

"Congratulations!" said the host with an afro on the show. "You're taking a..."

"...Cash Shower!!!" exclaimed Stan excitedly, as the lucky contestant was literally getting rained on by cash. The other contestants around him were trying to gather the leftover cash that he wasn't catching in his arms, so the contestant shoved them aside when they did so.

"I like that guy's style" said Stan.

"Is it because that's what you would do if you were on that show?" asked Mara.

Just then, Soos appeared in the room excitedly.

"Mr. Pines!" he said excitedly. "We've got tourists at 9:00! A whole busload of them!"

Stan changed into his usual suit quickly, then looked out the window to see a tour bus stopping right in front of the Mystery Shack, and a lot of tourists were spilling out of it.

"Hot tamale! It's a jackpot!" exclaimed Stan eagerly. "Soos, make some new attractions!"

"You've got it, boss!" said Soos, who was currently squeezing glue onto a headless taxidermy bird. He stuck a wolf head onto its body, and then started looking around for some extra taxidermy parts.

"Wendy, mark up those prices!" commanded Stan enthusiastically. "The higher the better!"

Wendy, who was reading a teen magazine, sighed as she put it down and took out a sharpie. She wrote a zero next to a $2 sign so that it now read, "$20."

"Higher!" said Stan, and Wendy added another zero so that the sign now read, "$200."

"Bleed 'em dry!" said Stan excitedly.

"Yeesh, Grunkle Stan" said Dipper. "It's like when you look at tourists, all you see are wallets with legs."

"Psh, that's not true!" said Stan, waving away his nephew's statement. However, when he looked outside, he saw a mother and father wallet holding their son wallet's hands.

"Thanks for taking me to the Mystery Shack, daddy!" said the son wallet.

"Ha ha! Now don't spend yourself all in one place!" said the father wallet.

Another son wallet was getting out of the car, looking a bit queasy.

"I'm feeling carsick!" he said, before barfing coins all over the place.

After seeing all this, Stan took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

Mara winced.

"I feel your pain, kid. I feel your pain" she said, remembering how carsick she had felt on the car trip several weeks ago when Stan had taken them to the fishing lake.

However, after she saw the look in Stan's eyes, she knew that he was about to command some poor soul to clean up the vomit in the front. Not wanting to be that poor soul, she quickly hid underneath the shelf out of Stan's sight.

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