Chapter 1

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Mama once told me that the buildings that surround us are filled with gold and jewels. They soar as high as the clouds and are as strong as a mountain. But there are powerful men and women who work in these castles who look out only for themselves. They want all the gold and jewels to stay in their pockets and not ours.

That's what Mama told me four days ago. Mama says I'm a princess who deserves more than what hand she got. But I happen to be born with all ten fingers and toes so I'm not sure what she means by that. Mama also says that being Sophia Mackenzie Gregory means I need to be strong. That's how all Gregorys are, strong and tough, like Mama!

After the mean man kicked us out of our apartment Mama brought us here, to live behind a dumpster in a refrigerator box. Looking at the walls around me I see all the drawings I have made over the past few months. Ponies, dogs, stars and hearts. All pretty things that I drew with Mama. But my favorite is the one of us together surrounded by the stars. You can't see the stars here in New York, the lights are too bright. One day though, one day, Mama and I are going to go see the stars and no lights can stop us.

Sitting up the pain in my stomach from not eating is getting the better of me. Mama never told me that she left. She just did. Crawling out of the box I stand up straight and stretch out my muscles. My dress falls all the way down to my knees and I frown at the stains that are engraved into it. So much for my white dress. The sound of horns and shouting come from the street that lays just down the alleyway. Why is everyone so loud today? My feet carried me closer to the hectic world that lives just a few steps away. Grown ups rush back and forth on the sidewalk like bees in a hive. It's like I am invisible, they had no idea I am here. A shove comes from behind me forcing me to fall down to my knees. Pain soared through my palms and knees while blood dripped onto the concrete

"Move kid!" A man spat out while running down the sidewalk with a camera in hand.

Tears filled my eyes but I refused to let them fall. Mama never liked it when I cried. She would start to cry too. Crawling through legs and dodging kicks I make it to a building wall and pull myself up. Looking around I see a cart selling fruit and a man standing behind it yelling out for people to buy. This is a bad idea but it is the only idea I have. I watched a woman walk up to the man and I knew this was my only chance of eating today. Taking a deep breath I began to run towards the cart and grab the first thing I can reach.

A green apple.

My moment of joy ended as soon as it came when my distraction wasn't distracting enough. "Hey! You need to buy that!" But before the words could be finished I was down the street with the apple in hand.

Making it to the alley way I grinned at my apple before wiping the blood from my scratches off on my dress and taking a big bite. Humming with happiness I begin to skip all the way back to my box. Taking another bite as I get back into my home and grab my blankie. Mama would be so disappointed in me. The pain in my knees and hands begin to become more prominent and I lose my hunger. The pretty pictures on the walls remind me of my Mama and how I haven't seen her in awhile. The blood hasn't stopped and if Mama was here she would make it all better. My tears began to turn into sobs and before I knew it I was in full angry Sophia mode.

I'm here alone, without my Mama. I'm cold, hungry, my knees hurt. Crying never seems to make things better but right now I don't know what else to do.

"Hello?" I jumped at the sound of another male. Staying still I hold my breath, hoping that whoever is outside my box will just go away. 

"Hey are you okay?"

"Hey are you okay?"

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