Chapter 4

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"So what's your name squirt?"

I sat still in the chair and watched her stare me down like like a deer in the headlights. The girls hair could easily be mistaken for brunette if you didn't look close enough. Her knees up to her chest with one arm wrapped around her ankles and the other gripping her blanket. I couldn't help but notice that one of the cuts on her knee must have opened and was now dripping blood down her shin. Eyes wide, short breaths, she was scared and for some odd reason I wanted to help her. Sighing I realize that she isn't going to answer me and if I didn't want blood on my chair I should probably get a Band-Aid.

"Come on little girl," I stood and walked over to my office door and opened it "let's get your legs fixed up."

She watched me like a hawk but didn't move an inch towards the door. I open my arm towards the door like an invite "come on" it's like I'm trying to bring a husky inside from the snow. Stubborn little thing.

"Fine" I huff and walked over to her "guess I'm carrying you" scooping her up in my arms I'm surprised she didn't try to hit me or get away. Quickly I got us both to the family restroom on our floor and kicked open the door with my foot. The motion sensor light that casts the room in a fluorescent bluish white light. The bathroom was just like any other one, white walls, toilet, sink in the corner and a big mirror over it.

I sat her down on the counter and opened the cabinet under it. Crouching down I pull out the first aid kit and paper towels then sat the supplies next to her. She still hasn't said anything but watched my every move with her little blue eyes.

I stood back up straight and I turned the faucet on. Waiting for the warm water I decided to ask her another question "well if you're not going to tell me your name can you at least tell me how old you are?"

I reached for the paper towels and ripped one free of the roll then wet it under the water. She watched me still quiet "can you move your leg over the sink?"

I took off my suit jacket and hung it on the hook on the back of the door while she sat her foot in the sink. The moment her foot hit the water dirt began to wash off and turn the water brown. I rolled up my sleeves and reached for the towel.

"Fine you don't have to talk to me kid. But you can't be walking around my office dripping blood everywhere." I began to clean off the blood off her shin with the towel "How did you get all these cuts on your knees girl?"

The silence between us was bothering me more than I thought it would. I'm not used to kids being so quiet. I mean, I have little cousins and boy are they a pain in my ass. Screaming, the messes, how needy they are. Kids are tornados on steroids and have no consideration for what houses they sweep up with them. However, this kid, this kid hasn't let out a peep and it bothers me.

I moved to clean the cut on her knee and I could hear her breath get sharper "sorry" I muttered. I don't mean to hurt the kid, but the amount of crap that is inside that cut couldn't stay there. Faster than later I was placing a Band Aid on her knee and helping her off the counter.

A knock came from the door and in poped Albert "Cade the police are here. I put them in conference room 2."


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