Chapter 7

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"I don't have any money"

My jaw dropped. She didn't have any money. She thought that she wouldn't be getting any food since she can't afford any. Sighing I pull my wallet out of my back pocket, open it and slide my black credit card into my palm. Squatting down I hold out the piece of plastic between my pointer and middle finger.

"You see this?" I ask and she nods staring at the black card. "This is a credit card and a credit card has money on it. Now I want you to go and pick out anything you want and I will pay for it. Understood Germite?" She nods again and runs to the vending machines with her face pressed up against the glass.

Four bags of chips, six different candy bars and three different sodas later we sat at a table with our feast in a pile on the table. I only planned on maybe a bag of chips and a soda but it only took a few seconds before I realized that I am hungry also, hence the massive amount of food we have now.

"Here, these are called Skittles" I hand over an open package of the sweet little candies over to her. She picks out a red Skittle and plops it in her mouth. Right after the first one was gone she grabbed a handful and stuffs it in her mouth.

Laughing I take the bag out of her hand "Easy Germite you have a lot more food to try."

Carefully I opened up a Kit-Kat and broke her off a piece "This is my personal favorite Germ" her little hand took the candy bar out of my hand and with no hesitation she ate it, "did you even taste it?" I say shocked. She smiled at me with some chocolate around her mouth and stuck in her teeth.

Cringing I quickly crack open a can of Strawberry Lemonade Sunkist and slide it over to her "girl you need to learn the difference between seafood and see food" she just laughs and takes a sip from the can. To my surprise however, she leans over to the side, spits the pink drink out and onto the floor just as quickly. She sat back with a disgusted look on her face and pushed the can back over to me.

You have got to be kidding me Germite! I thought we were making progress...

"Okay so let's try the root beer instead" I say concerned while opening the other can. Thankfully the second choice of beverage was a good one. I opened my bag of Cool Ranch Doritos and began to munch while she was content with her soda. Periodically I handed her a new candy and she ate it gratefully. I guess you could say that I am a Germite tamer. The sound of the news behind us and out chewing was really all that could be heard.

A vibration pulled my attention from our meal and I pulled my phone out of my pocket. Unlocking my phone I instantly pull up the article that was just posted.

Caden Davidson's Daughter?

The young architect millionaire was recently seen with his assistant while holding a young girl. The girl looks no older than five and clearly comes from a situation not fit for any child. But the main question is, whose child is she? If this child is Davidson then that would mean that she is entitled to the Davidson family legacy and funds that Caden shares with his younger brother, Collin. The child was said to be seen in the arms of New York's hottest bachelor, Caden Davidson and after the paparazzi spotted them was carried into the building by his PA. Sources say the trio looked to be in a heated conversation before seeking privacy inside Davidson Corporation.

Is this child a secret love child of Davidson? Did Davidson adopt a less fortunate soul and is trying to hide her from the limelight? Waiting is the only answer that we have right now but trust us when we tell you that the answers will be put out to the public soon. For now we have reached out to Davidson and his associates and will wait patiently for their reply.

Author, Julie Michaels

The New Gossiper

"Oh this can not be good" I mutter and place my phone on the table.

"Oh this can not be good" I mutter and place my phone on the table

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