Chapter 2

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"I know you are in there. Are you okay?" The man talks calmly right outside the entrance of my box. The flap slowly moves open to reveal a young man squatting and looking at me. I could tell he was tall and his hair was brushed back and frozen in place. His clothes were like the men and women wear in their castles. His eyes look like Mama's eyes, an ocean. Only an ocean that holds mermaids and pink dolphins. Scrambling to the farthest corner I pull my blankie to cover myself like a shield and hope that he can't see me.

"Hey you're okay sweetie," the brown haired man says quietly while reaching in with his hand and almost gets a hold of my ankle but I kick at him and he takes a step back.

"Easy I just want to help you" he tries again and gets ahold of my blankie, attempting to pull it away from my face. Before I can try to stop him my blanket is already in the man's arms and I am now defenseless.

Whining I close my eyes tightly and look away from him. Just go away. He sucked a breath in at the sight of my knees and hands "what did you do to yourself sweetie?" He sounded concerned but he is a stranger. Mama says to always stay away from strangers.

I stayed silent and peeked open my eyes to watch him "can you let me help you?" the man reaches in again slowly like he was trying to pet a scared animal. The closer I got, the faster my heart pounds in my chest and before I know it he gets ahold of my leg. Kicking my other leg at him I try to get him to let go but I couldn't get my leg free. I put in all my power to try to get away from the man who is stealing me away from my home but he just wouldn't let go "come on girl don't fight me" he says calmly.

Standing up the man held me on him hip and handed me my blankie. He didn't say anything, just turned around and I noticed that we weren't alone.

"Caden you really shouldn't be touching her" The man has friends... A blonde friend. He was tall too but not as tall as the other guy. Holding a clipboard he had glasses and green eyes. He had on a funny bow tie too! Fishies. Lot's of them.

Pushing my hand on Caden's face I try to get him to let me go. "Relax Al she is just a little girl" he gritted out and pulled my hand off his cheek.

"It looks like she really isn't into you Cade" Al said concerned. I tried to kick out my legs again in hopes to get free.

"Well how about you hold her then" I don't think Al knew what to do with me because as soon as I got close the clipboard was on the alley floor. Caden handed me over to Al and I continued my escape plan. I went for the ears this time.

"Seriously Caden this is not going to be goo-"

Flashes of light and yelling sprung out from both sides of us. People surrounded us from all over in chaos.

"Mr. Davidson! Who is the little girl?"

"Caden can you look over here with a smile?"

"Albert can you take a moment to answer some questions about Caden's work?"

"Shit" Both men muttered and ran into the back door of the building, me included.

Shutting the back door behind us the men began to walk down the hallway and took an immediate right to the elevator. Caden pushed a button and I watched as it glowed up to blue.

"See Cade! I tried to tell you! I tried. You just don't listen." Al stood me straight on the floor once the doors closed and we were on our way up.

"I know Albert I-"

"No seriously! You needed fresh air. You needed to see what was in the box. You just needed to do what you wanted!" Albert talks with his hands and likes to throw them around.

Caden leaned against the wall "Are you serious? You were the one who heard the crying!"

"-I mean I lost my clipboard now. How am I supposed to get you to your meetings now? I don't think you really notice but my boss is kinda a jerk and all-" The elevator stopped and the doors open to a white lobby. All that sat in the room was a row of waiting chairs and a desk. Before I could think I got swung back onto Caden's hip as he began to walk through the lobby and Albert followed quickly behind, to a door. I tried to throw my elbow into his face but he caught it. Turning me around, he held me backwards by the waist and looked back at Albert.

"Dude, I'm your boss" Caden grunted and opened the door.

Albert rolled his eyes and stood with his hands on his hips "No shit Sherlock!" 

Albert rolled his eyes and stood with his hands on his hips "No shit Sherlock!" 

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