Chapter 5

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"So what you're telling me is that you, the fucking police, can't do anything to help her?" I was shocked at what I was hearing.

"There isn't much we can do for a missing child that doesn't talk..." the idiot in blue answered.

"At most we can take her in to the station and wait for a social worker to come pick her up but that might take a while" dumbass number two decides to add.

I dig my hands into my forehead already feeling the oncoming headache "and I'm just supposed to let her wait. What if her mom is out there worried where her daughter is? Then what?" this can't be happening.

"Obviously is the parent left the child in a box then she isn't too concerned about her" I look out the window and out at the New York skyline. I could tell by the sunlight that it is almost lunchtime.

Looking back at the two officers I sigh "fine. So what happens after the social worker picks her up?"

"The girl will most likely be put in foster care or a group home. If her parents or any other family can't be contacted then probably an adoption center." They're throwing this girl to the wolves. She'll be eaten alive and torn apart before she even has the chance to run.

"What if she stays with me?" my mouth was talking without my minds permission.

The cops jaws dropped in sync with each other making them look equally as dumb "are you able to take care of a child Mr. Davidson?"

"Am I able to take care of her? Excuse me sir but I'm not sure you know who I am," I could feel the heat rise in my blood. These no good police couldn't care less about this kid. Put the poor thing in a group home and move on "I am Caden Davidson, one of the best architects in the world, have more money in my trash can then you got in your bank. So don't you ever come in her and insult my capabilities again." I stood up from my chair and leaned over the conference table.

"Send the social worker to my house and kindly get the fuck off of my property."

They scurried out like rats from the sewer and promised to send a social worker tonight or early tomorrow morning. Buttoning my suit jack across my stomach I walk out of the conference room and head straight to the front desk "Hailey can you please fix the mess in my file cabinets? Once you're done with that clean the conference room and you're free for the rest of the day." Hailey was a pretty girl, with and without clothes, but definitely not my type. Fire red hair and brown eyes. She has a nice set on her too. I know the feelings she has but it wasn't ever anything permanent. It was a fun time for the both of us and now it's over. I guess it's a plus that she works for me too, easy access.

"Yes of course Caden," she hurries around the desk and wraps her hand around my arm "hey I was thinking maybe I could go get some take out and hang out lat-"

"Have you seen Albert and that little girl?" I turn abruptly away and cut her off once I realized where this conversation was going.

The redhead took a step back and the look of rejection washed over her face "I think they are in the break room."

Turning on my heels I head straight for my destination,

the break room. 


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