Chapter 8

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The sound of my shoes hitting the tile flooring echoed through the hall as I made my way to the break room. My thoughts began flowing like a river and I realized the severity of the situation I put myself in. I really need to make sure that my house is fit for a kid. Do I have food for a kid? Where is she going to sleep? What about clothes? What else does a kid need? Being lost in my own thoughts I don't even remember the walk to my destination until I got there. I made a sharp left and entered the break room only to get one small look at Al and the girl before I had another person's face in my view.

"What do you want, Shalice?" I let out an annoyed sigh.

"What? Am I not allowed in the break room anymore?" Her bleach blonde hair was straight down and held back by a snake skin bandana and her brown eyes were hidden behind cheap designer sunglasses. Shalice stood by the coffee machine in her black tank top that helped show off her tan while a snake skin leather jacket was held in her arms. A tight black velvet skirt tied the whole outfit together with her signature black heels.

"You're not allowed to be around me if you want to keep your job" I hiss at the she-devil. I guess Shalice wasn't one of the best relationship decisions. With the bad attitude during the relationship and crazy aftermath just leaves an even worse taste in my mouth than battery acid. Definitely not worth the trouble of the dates to public events, late nights of whiskey on ice and every once in a while a little blunt or two.

"See I remember you wanting me to be around just a few months ago before you got that new secretary of yours" she pulls her coffee cup from the coffee machine and puts it on the counter. Shalice opens a creamer and slowly pours it into the dark cup "and I will be waiting for the day you come crawling back to me" she lifts the cup up and holds it close to her.

"I don't crawl back to anyone Shalice" heat was building up in my head only causing my headache to get worse "especially to someone that I am more than unimpressed with" her face showed how ad my word cut her but I could care less about how she feels.

Smirking I walk past her and head straight to the table where Al sits staring at his phone and the girl is chugging a can of soda. Albert was so engrossed in his phone, like usual, that he didn't even notice the girl's sugary drink dribbles down her chin and on to her already dirty dress. He most certainly didn't even bother to notice that I was standing besides him. Shaking my head I walk next to the girl and grab the can out of her hand and pull my handkerchief out of my suit jacket and wipe her face "let's try to chill out with the soda and go get an actual meal" I tell her with a laugh and pull the child into my arms "you coming with Albert?"

Al jumps and pushes his phone into his pocket "what? Yeah um let me clean this up and I-"
"Leave it Al, we pay the janitors for a reason," walking away from the table I hear my shoe step in a puddle. Looking down I see one of my shoes stepped into a pink sticky liquid. Little giggles caused me to look at the girl "I'm guessing this mess is from you?" she nods shyly and looks away from my eye contact. Well at least she's honest...

Stepping out of the pink soda I walked out of the break room and headed to the elevator with Albert following right behind me.

"Call my driver to make sure he picks us up in the back. I'm not in the mood for more cameras in my face, Albert."


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