Chapter 3

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Caden carried me through the door to see an office. The walls were made of long rectangle grey stones and behind the desk a different stone was on the wall. It had white, grey and black, even a little bit of blue. The desk looked like an ordinary table and two blue chairs sat in front of it. Behind the desk sat a brown wheelie chair. A glass door that took up almost the whole wall opened to a balcony. The view showed the lovely sight of New York. The buildings went on forever and didn't seem to be slowing down.

"Close the door behind you Al" Albert did as he was told then walked over to one of the blue chairs and fell into it dramatically. Caden stood me back on the ground and squatted down to my height "stay here" holding on to my blankie I watched as he walked behind the desk and sat in the brown chair. Looking at his computer he started pushing buttons on his keyboard and clicked every so often. I climbed into the other chair while Caden had a look of determination on his face while staring at the screen. The only sound in the room was Caden's typing and snores. Wait, snores?

Looking to my left I see Alert passed out in his chair and snore coming out of his mouth. Looking back at Caden I can tell I'm not the only one who noticed.

"Al." Caden said from his spot behind the desk. Albert continued to snore in the chair. These chairs aren't that comfortable...

"Al." Caden said a little louder. The snores only got louder and I could tell Caden was getting frustrated.

Slamming his hand on the desk Caden tried again "Albert!" Jumping up from his spot Albert stood up and looked at Caden with tired eyes.

"Yes what? What do you need?" He rubbed his eyes behind his glasses with his hand.

"Can you call the police and let them know we have found a lost child?" Al stood up and brushed off his pants.

"I will get a hold of them." He left the room quickly while dialing something on his phone.

"So what's your name squirt?"

"So what's your name squirt?"

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