Chapter 9

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Walking through the lobby I see my driver already standing by the front desk with my keys in hand. The moment I got within arms distance he extended his arm and handed over the keys without a word. Adjusting the girl on my hip I nodded at him and kept walking through the lobby to the back door.

"Cade have you seen the new post from The New Gossiper?" Al asked from behind me. I rolled my eyes at the name of the publication.

"No Albert I prefer to keep out of the unnecessary drama posts." the three of us continue down the hallway and get to the back door.

"Well they saw us and the girl" Albert said quietly.

We stood there in front of the back exit and stared at each other for a second "well if they saw us then there isn't much we can do about it."

I sighed and opened the back door to see my black Bugatti Chiron in the alleyway. Al was already on his way to the passenger side and was opening his door. Putting the girl down I pointed over to Albert and she got the hint to walk over to him "you're going to have to sit on his lap for the car ride."

"Oh hel-" Albert started to argue but I just smiled.

"Make sure you put a seat belt on!" I laugh as I walk around the front and sit in the driver's seat, closing the door behind me. Looking to my right I see a very uncomfortable looking Al with a happy little girl on his lap.

"This is so not in my job description" he muttered while clicking the seatbelt on.

Turning on the car it rolled to life and I rolled my eyes at his dramatic attitude "Dude what do you want to eat?"

"I don't know Caden. What does Germ want?" he throws his head back on the seat and holds his head with his hand.

I pull out of the alley and head right towards some fast food places "Germ?" The girl looks at me when I say that word, wait.

"Please tell me you did not name the kid Germ, Albert" he didn't answer me and kept holding his head.

"You have got to be fuc-"

Al jumped up quickly and held his hands over her ears "Hey! There are children in this car Mr. Davidson." he scolded me.

"You named her Germ!" I shouted back at him. Seriously, how rude can he be?

"You knew that I'm not good with kids so don't get mad at me when I name it!" Albert counters back fully looking back at me.

"It? It is a freaking girl you idiot!"

Whimpers tore both of our attentions away from our argument and straight to the little Germ crying in Al's lap. Turning my eyes to the road again I try on focusing on calming down. Albert sat silent in his seat and looked back out the window.

Maybe this whole kid thing is going to be a lot harder than I thought.

"Sorry we were yelling" I say as I turn left into McDonalds parking lot "do you want something to eat?"

She doesn't say anything as I pull up to the drive thru menu.

"One moment please, I will be right back with you to take your order." a boy's voice came out of the speaker and I could tell that he couldn't any older than seventeen.

"I don't think she wants anything" Al mutters from his seat next to me.

"She definitely needs something to eat" I say back and look back to the girl "what do you want?" A minivan moved in line behind me, followed by a black F150.

"Welcome to McDonald's, how may I help you?" the boy's voice shoots out of the speaker again.

"One second please" I say out the window as honks came from cars behind us while my stress levels grew. Turning back in my seat I look at the two children in my car, one stubborn and the other a little girl.

"Look sweet pea we got to order something to eat and I don't want to get something you won't eat."

"Hey jackass can you hurry up? I got two kids that need to get to a doctors appointment in fifteen minutes!" A female yells from behind me. Looking in my rear view window I see Ms. Minivan flipping the bird at her window straight at me.

Ignore the disrespectful scum. Ignore the disrespectful scum. "Seriously, do you like cheeseburgers? How about chicken nuggets?" More honks and cuss words were being thrown our way from the minivan psycho.

"Sir are you ready to order?"

"You son of a bitch will you hurry your fatass up!"

I hit my hand on the steering wheel, slam the car in park and step out of the door calmly. Walking back to the minivan I ignore Albert yelling at me to get back in the car. I stride my way back to the minivan. Getting to the rolled down window of the minivan I smirk at the clearly annoyed mother.

Leaning in a few inches I hold on to the half rolled down window "listen here you witch, I have just been graced with a child who doesn't speak right now. So if you can kindly fuck off and stop stressing her out that would be highly appreciated."

"Excuse me but who the fuck do you think you are?"

"I am Caden mother fucking Davidson and today is not the day to be messing around with me!" I spit out at her as I push myself away from her van, slowly walking back to my car and sitting back down.

"Hey McDonald's boy, give me a chicken nugget kids meal with the girl toy and fruit punch as the drink"

"Hey McDonald's boy, give me a chicken nugget kids meal with the girl toy and fruit punch as the drink"

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Hey peeps! 

Just wanted to pop in here and tell y'all that I hope everyone is safe and healthy! I hope that these chapters that I am putting up will help you get through the COVID-19 pandemic. Let me know how you like the rewritten version of SL! I love to read your somments and they help me write more knowing that you guys want to read it. I want to get a few more chapters out soon so see you all laters!

Peace Out


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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