Part 3

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Daksh's brother appeared forlorn, his eyes transfixed on the blissful pictures with Vrinda, offering a temporary escape from the incessant work obligations that demanded his attention.

"Vivaan, how much longer do you intend to stay away from her? You long to see her, converse with her, and express your deepest feelings to her. All the time. Despite that, you choose to keep your distance from her. When will you follow your heart?" Daksh inquired.

"This is the retribution I must endure, Bhai. To see her and not lose myself in her eyes. Not being able to listen to her, despite being in her vicinity. The challenge of loving someone from afar. In the end, it was my decision, wasn't it?"

The weight of self-loathing and guilt clung to his quivering voice, a haunting echo of the years he had abandoned his love.

Daksh's head shook in disappointment, and he squeezed his eyes shut, attempting to steady himself and find his inner calm. With a heavy heart, Daksh steeled himself and spoke the words that he knew would wound his younger brother. Recognizing the significance of Vivaan's situation, he realized it was necessary for him to move away from self-blame and focus on proactive steps to seek forgiveness.

"Don't shy away, Vivaan, and deal with the repercussions. If you're saying that you made the choice, then you must be aware of the reasons for choosing this particular option. Whether or not you feel remorse, it is your responsibility to confront the outcomes, and perhaps that is the retribution you merit."

"Bhai, what..."

"Vivaan, I know what I'm talking about. I understand that this may sound harsh, but it's necessary to confront reality. Meet Vrinda in person. It's better now than when she finds out everything. I mean, who else can give her the lowdown on her life better than her life partner?"said Daksh, his tone filled with concern as he surveyed his brother's devastated appearance.

The only sound that broke the stillness between the brothers was Vivaan's rugged breaths, each one a reminder of the tension in the air. Daksh shifted towards his younger brother, feeling the weight of his drooped shoulders, and placed his warm hand on them. Vivaan felt a surge of emotion as Daksh's words pierced his heart, pushing him towards the direction his brother had gestured. The thought crossed his mind - had he directed his brother towards the stairway to paradise or towards a more excruciating inferno?


Vrinda's room,

One glance at her and all of Vivaan's inhibitions vanished from his mind. Her doe-like eyes, once bright and lively, now seemed tired and weary, with dark circles casting shadows beneath her hazel irises. His bed became a battleground as those weary eyes invaded his dreams, keeping him tossing and turning throughout the night. Whether it was to break his heart or to mend his shattered soul, he always carried a burden of guilt in his consciousness.

The air was filled with the soothing aroma of lavender, evoking a wave of memories and emotions. It was the scent she cherished above all others, her absolute favorite.

There was a distinct unease in her demeanor upon his arrival, as if his presence had disrupted her inner peace. In a moment of intense concentration, her eyes widened and her lips thinned, revealing the depth of her contemplation. With bated breath, Vivaan offered a silent prayer, yearning for her to finally recognize him in that moment of anticipation. For love or for hatred, to embrace or to untangle, but to lessen the ache in his heart. His heart ached with an insatiable longing for the miracle to manifest itself.

"I'm sorry, but I can't place your face. It might be a bit awkward, but could you please reintroduce yourself?" As she spoke, her gaze roamed over his face, taking in every detail.

As she tried to make sense of her surroundings, a peculiar sense of familiarity washed over her muddled brain. An unfamiliar warmth embraced her frail form, as if all the restlessness and anticipation of the past months were finally dissipating, leaving behind a cherished sense of serenity. As she drank in his sight, a wide smile, reminiscent of long-forgotten memories, stretched across her chapped and lackluster lips. His intense gaze swept over her, causing her heart to race and thump against her chest. The feeling of tranquility washed over her, stronger than it had been since she first regained consciousness in the ICU months ago.

An icy realization, which not only extinguished his hope but also dampened the spark he had ignited in his significant other hit Vivaan. How could he expect she would remember the face of the person who held her fate in their hands?

"I am Vihaan, Daksh Bhai's cousin," he said, his voice betraying a hint of nervousness as he struggled to conceal his true feelings behind a facade of deception.

Her eyes betrayed her disappointment, and her smile wavered, prompting him to question if she had anticipated another person's arrival.

"Were you expecting someone else?"

"Please don't take this the wrong way, but I was actually hoping to find Vivaan, who everyone considers to be my best friend. I've been here for several months, and my supposed best friend hasn't made any effort to visit or even communicate with me. I'm wondering why."

As he observed her flared nostrils, a vivid reminder of Vrinda, a faint smile played at the corners of his mouth. However, her words swiftly dragged him deeper into the abyss of sorrow. There was no effort made to hide his identity from her, so she had every expectation that he would approach and speak to her. After all, she was not aware of the way they had parted their ways.

"As soon as he's ready, he'll reach out to you. It's like a nightmare for him that you don't remember anyone or anything from your time together. Plus, he's swamped with work in the UK. He'll return as soon as he can," he said.


Her expressions revealed nothing, leaving him to feel the weight of his guilt multiply.

"I am sorry," he said, the words slipping out in the midst of his turbulent emotions, before quickly adding, ".. on his behalf."

"Oh, it's not required. The fact that I can't recognize anyone must be hurting everyone, especially him if we were as close as people say. It would be toughest for him because my parents aren't alive to witness me in this state, anyway. Can anything be more excruciating than having your best friend completely forget about your existence, the memories you shared, the inside jokes, and all those special moments that were only ours? I understand his perspective, but I would prefer to wait and hear what he has to say. It's possible that could bring about the amazing result everyone is hoping for."

She wore a whimsical smile on her lips, the kind that had a way of stealing his breath, and this time was no different. It was in that exact moment of understanding when Vivaan's hope for their future was rekindled and he found himself falling in love with her once more.

When he finally reveals his darkest sin, maybe she will be able to empathize with his point of view.

Maybe, just maybe, she would be open to giving him another opportunity to redeem himself.

And perhaps, in that moment, she would open herself up to the possibility of rekindling their bond.

"For the time being, my focus is on learning about my past, but only if you are willing and able to provide assistance. I presumed you came here to recount a tale from my past, given that you arrived around the same time as others used to. Can you do it, then?" she asked.

Her lips remained curved in a smile, and she couldn't help but wonder why she felt so content, as if she had stumbled upon the answers to all her queries.

"Your word is my command, Vrinda," he said. For a moment, it felt as though time had stood still - she was still the Vrinda who whispered her deepest thoughts only to him, and he was still the Vivaan who made her secret desires come true. Only if it was.

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